Chapter 33- Shredded Skin, and Black Fur

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Oh my god, Its the end of the book... Now time for the editing process. The second book will be coming, I already have the second and third book planned!!!


Chapter 33- Shredded Skin, and Black Fur

"If your lucky, maybe you will grow up and be my mate" Levi teased, kissing a blushing girls hand. My 12 year old boy, was very.... flirty. Leo slapped the back of his head.

"Its not her, stop being a man-ho." I rolled my eyes as they continued to argue.

"Mom, they... they need to shush. I want to go to bed." Roxane whined, I smiled down at her.

"Okay, Go tell them to be quiet, and you can take a short nap, before the rest of the guest get here." I said, and she made her way over to them. Today was their 12th birthday party, and they had been bickering and easily mad all day. I swear, I think they are on their period.

Logan was supposed to be back in an hour, from a pack meeting. Roxane walked over to Leo, who immediately picked her up, hugging her close to him. Leo and Rox had become practicality inseparable.

"Hey, I am keeping my eyes, open for my mate." Levi said winking at a few girls. I was expecting Leo and start fighting, but was shocked when little Roxy spoke up. "Antie Alie said, my mate can call me Foxy Roxy, because I will be hawt." She said smiling tiredly up at Leo.

"No, He cant." Micheal, Leo and Levi, yelled in union.

"Remind me to kill Aliee." Micheal muttered, staring down at Kaitlyn, who was asleep in his arm.

"Okay, Nap time." I said, moving to grab Roxane, Leo shook his head, and growled at me, his teeth snapping at me. I pulled my hand back, and felt a crushing feeling in my chest. Did my boy, just growl at me? Tears weld in my eyes, at the thought he was mad at me. His face seemed to relax and he looked shocked.

"Sorry, Mom. I didn't mean to." He said genuinely, I nodded blinking back the tears and reach for her again, slowly this time. He jerked her away from me, shaking his head. "No, I will put her to bed." he turned on his heels, walking toward Roxy's room. What the hell was that? I thought as Levi put his arm on my shoulder, glaring hotly at his brothers back.


"He growled, and snapped at you?" Logan;s body seemed to shake, and I pulled him close to me. He instantly relaxed under my fingers. However, the look of confusion was clear on his face. "That's the signs of shifting, they must just be having some early attitudes, mine starts at thirteen, but I didn't shift until I was fourteen. That's two years earlier for most wolves, but normal for an Alpha." He muttered, and we both stared at our boys, who were in an argument, over who was wrong about something.


It was in the middle of the Happy Birthday song, when in union Levi and Leo dropped to their knees crying out in pain. I rushed to them, effectually dropping the cake on the ground, as everyone crowded around us. I growled at all of them.

"Back the fuck off. They need room." I didn't take my eyes off my sons. By the blackness of their eyes, I knew that what me and Logan had discussed, was happening. They were shifting, and they were shifting very early.

"Mom" Levi whimpered, both boy's heads were on my lap. I cooed at him. Brushing the hair out of his face. Both groaned as claws erupted from their fingers, and they began digging into my leg. I didnt feel the pain, but I saw the blood pooling on my pants. I let them continue, because I knew their pain was much worse.

Logan explained the first shift was slow and painful, and for the next year, it would hurt slowly less and less, and once the year was up, they would no longer hurt to shift. I was so scared that it was happening now. I wanted to curse the skies for making them the prophecy boys, I knew this was a side effect.

"I'm so sorry baby." I sobbed, looking at my pain stricken boy. Leo, clenched his jaw, but made no other move to show his pain. Always the strong one. I smiled as Roxanne, held tightly to her brothers hand. Leo looked at her, and manged a small smile.

"Don't worry big bro, you will get better." She said cooing at him. And I smiled gratefully my children turned out so beautifully sweet. Logan was looking down at the four of us with calculating eyes. I think the biggest shock, was when they completely stopped groaning. I looked down and slowly, hair began to spurt their bones began to change. Yet, they didn't seem in pain, actually they seemed dazed.

When I looked at their eyes, I knew that look. I had the same look, when the spirits talk to me. I smiled knowing, they were numbing my boys pain. Claws, and teeth entered my legs, and I screamed. I looked down at my legs, where two wolves were resting there small heads. Their pure black fur, was only set off my a white shape of a half moon, on the shoulder of each of the cubs. Their prophecy marks, and unlike most wolves, the blue and green eyes, stayed on the boys. Instead of the yellow eyes, most Alphas had. My wolf cubs, I smiled down at them, and was given a wolf grin back. I heard a sob, and looked over to my 6 year old girl, who was running her hands through both of her brother fur.

"You guys are so pretty." The wolves growled playfully, before they got up, and nuzzled their sister, before turning to me.

"Go run, Go enjoy this moment." I said, as they ran away, nipping at each other. I turned to Logan, who was shaking, while looking at my legs, which were in really bad shape. It was for my boys.

"Logan, go run with your boys." I said when he looking longingly at their running forms. "I can clean up a couple scratches." He leaned down, and pulled me into a deep kiss. "I love you so much." He murmured before turning, and hurling himself in the air. I watched as Roxy sat on my blood stained lap, as one large black wolf, ran with two identical cubs, nipping and loving at his children.


"There’s the idea that you can’t truly know happiness until you know sadness, so how can you heal yourself unless you’ve hurt yourself? I’m still figuring out who I am, but I know that I’m not who I was.”

I have heard the quote, more times than I could count. I went though plenty of sadness, but without it, I would of never known the happiness I have with my family and pack. I finally know happiness again. The glimpse I had as a child, no longer haunts me, but is a faded memory that brings a smile, and no longer dis-pare. I think I know who I am, but part of me, is still who I was.

I Cant believe its the end!!

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