Chapter 14: Explaing My Past

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Hey there you!!! I hope your liking the story. I am in love with how many votes, and reads I am getting. If you want anything changed, just tell me.

Dedication goes to Jasmine, As she continues to vote for my story. Thank you so much for the votes, and the encouraging, and unwavering reads you give me.


Chapter 14- Explaining My Past

My fingers traced over the mark that rested on my neck. Logan was in the bedroom, and I was in the restroom. Logan had woken me up (at 7:00 Am), to yet another crazy, and insane love making. My scar had him on edge, but I promised to tell him later. I turned my head in the mirror, the initials L.S. Were twisted around two small wholes where Logan's canines had interned.

I stared into the mirror, not really looking at it. But thinking about what it would mean to be a Luna. And two warm arms, wrapped around my waist. Logan's face came to nuzzle my neck.

"Your mark is beautiful" He whispered, and I laid my head back on his chest. His teeth grazing the mark. My body was filled with chills and shivers. I smirked up at him in the mirror. "I need a shower" I whispered, and Logan's eyes darkened as he noticed what I meant. And with that we ran for the shower. Boy was it a long shower.


"As you know, Micheal, he is my beta, which is my right hand man. Then we have Daren, who is my third in command. Then here is Jared, Jace, and Jace's mate, Lace.

"Its nice to meet you all" I smiled brightly at them, as I rested under Logan's arm, our fingers intertwined.

"Of course you know me, I'm impossible to forget" Micheal smirked, his normal cocky and arrogant self coming out.

"Yea, I remember the first time I met you" Jace spoke up, and everyone burst into laughter, Logan shook he was laughing so hard. I kissed his cheek. Enjoying how happy he was, his laughter stopped and he looked down on me, with love. He kissed my cheek.

"Oh yea, I remember the J.B. Lover Boy" Jared said, making a scowl form on Micheal's face.

"What is that?" I asked, and Jace looked at me with a smirk.

"The first time we ever met Micheal, he was wearing a I Love Justin Bieber shirt" Jace said, falling into more fits of laughter.

"I didn't take you for one to be into lesbians" I said smirking at Micheal. He turned bright red, and the boys howled with laughter. Jace was trying to say something, but laughter stopped him. (NO OFFENSE TO JB LOVERS)

"He was..... He was... Wearing.. Skinny Jeans!" Jace and Jared held each other as there laughter intensified.

"That had to be the worst thing ever!" I said, making Micheal scowl.

"I wasn't into Justin Bieber!! My dad didn't believe in whipping his children, So when we misbehaved, we had to wear a Justin Bieber shirt and skinny jeans to school." Micheal pouted, sulking like a little boy.
And I soon joined Jared and Jace into fits of laughter. All of a sudden, I was pulled into Logan's chest, his face rested in my neck, and my arms went around him.

"Whats wrong, Loge?" I asked, placing a kiss on his neck.

"You have such a beautiful laugh." He sighed happily, when Micheal fell into laughter. "You are so whipped" Micheal said, grinning at a scowling Logan.

Mated to My NightMare (Spade Trilogy:Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now