Chapter 17

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Mitch pov

The night was fresh and cool, while Jessie had gone to bed early everyone else was up. Tony asked us if we wanted to go for a run and everyone but Gabriel wanted to go. Kevin had said they had done this before and there was no need to worry about being spotted. Tony was running in the lead and everyone else followed. The only wolf that looked out of place was Angie's wolf, Jessie's mom. While everyone else was either a shade of brown or grey, she was a shiny silver wolf. With the moonlight she almost looked white. I have never seen anyone have that color fur, not even in our old pack.

After about an hour of running we headed back to the camping grounds and shifted back before coming out of the woods. We could see our tents in the distance and we crossed the grounds towards it slowly. It was just the full moon nights that made us happy to let our wolves out to run. The moon always had an effect on us and a full moon always drew out the wolf in us. Most of the time when teens shifted for the first time it was near a full moon if not on a full moon, but that didn't mean they always did. Matt shifted before I did and on a full moon; I shifted about four months later on a new moon. Yet every wolf felt the pull the moon had on us.

As we got closer a blood curling scream sounded through the campground. We froze for what seemed like minutes, before Angie rushed out in front of us, everyone hurried after her. She raced for her tent and ran inside, everyone on her heels. Gabriel was already in there with a shaking Jessie in his arms. When she saw her mom tears started falling down her face. Gabriel moved out of the way to let Angie sit next to her. I let out a breath that I had been holding since I heard the scream. Tony ushered everyone out to give them some privacy. Outside we looked for Gabriel and walked towards him.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I don't know, I was already in my sleeping bag when I heard her scream. I ran in there and woke her up. She looked like she'd seen a ghost."

"It was probably just a bad dreams boys so don't make it more then it is." Tony said.

Angie came out of the tent and everyone turned to face her. She smiled, "She's fine just a bad dream."

Tony nodded and headed towards his wife and they walked to their tent. Kevin and Nikie followed behind them and disappeared inside.

"Goodnight boys." Mom said as she followed dad to their own tent.

We pulled our own sleeping bags out of dads truck and laid them near Gabriel's. After a while everyone was asleep but I just couldn't get the sound of her scream out of my mind. My wolf desperately wanted to go to her and comfort her. What could she have been dreaming of to scare her that bad. I got up, walked over to her tent and sat on one side where I could hear her breathing. If I couldn't be with her then I would be as close as possible in case she had another bad dream. Before long I dropped my head on my knees and closed my eyes.

I heard hushed voices nearby, I opened my eyes and looked around. I saw Tony and Angie by the vehicles, they were talking but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I looked around and saw that it was still dark, with plenty of shadows around I shifted. Staying low to the ground and in the shadows I crept closer. They were standing between their cars and I crawled close to dad's truck.

"What if its like before, I used to wake up screaming too."

"Look she's not one of us and you said they weren't the same. She's always in a different location, yours always showed the same place."

"I know. But what other explanation is there? If I have to, we'll leave."

"There is no evidence that he's come back. You will be better protected if you stay."

"Who would protect us from him. If no one wanted us back, not after what happened."

"I will do everything I can. Its the least I can do, I promised him."

"He didn't even know I was pregnant, neither of them. What will he do if he finds out about her. I'll do anything to protect her, even if it means my own life."

"Don't talk like that Angie. Nothing will happen to her, that is why I'm asking you to talk to her. At least she will be prepared if things go wrong."

"No. I am not bringing her into our ways if I can help it. She will live a normal life, one without wolves."

"I can't ask you to do anything but at least let me tell him, that way he can keep an eye out for her."

She nodded, "What about the rest, can we trust them?"

"Nikie's parents aren't to thrilled about their friendship so we won't involve her. I'll start investigating the rest but it will take time, ."

"OK, let me know as soon as you find out."

I walked quickly back to my spot and shifted back. My mind reeling with what I had just heard. I heard their footsteps approach and feigned sleep.

"I don't know if you will be able to keep her away from these pups. Especially this one." Kevin whispered, humor in his voice.

The next morning when I woke up, I found someone had placed a blanket over me. The sun was shining but I had no idea what time it was. I stood up and stretched, looking around I spotted the group eating breakfast by Tony's tent. Seeing him brought back the conversation I heard last night and I turned to see Angie sitting next to Jessie. Who was after them?

"Morning sunshine, sleep well?" Matt joked making everyone laugh.

"Sure did muffin, how bout yourself."

"Alright boys cut it out," dad said. "Mitch sit down and eat, we're going hiking in a bit if you want to come or you can fish with Tony and the others."

"Sounds like fun, but sleeping in sounds better." I said smiling.

After breakfast everyone split up in two groups, the ones going hiking and the ones staying to fish. Jessie was going fishing with the boys, Nikie was also staying but just to watch. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"How are you this morning?"

"Good. Why did you sleep outside the tent?"

"Well I don't think your mom would have appreciated me sleeping with her daughter."

I felt her grin, "No, I guess not."

"Any more nightmares or do I have to beat up the boogyman."

She laughed, "No, you can't blame the boogyman. Anyways it was just a dream, nothing ever happens because of a dream."

"I guess not. So how is it that my girl wants to fish?"

Giggling she turned in my arms to face me. "Tony taught me how to fish and we always have a competition. The one with the smallest catch has to clean them and so far I've only had to do that three times. So how bout it, you in?"

"Diffidently." I grinned and kissed her nose, making her laugh.


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