Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Master Qui-Gon Jinn ran down the halls of the Jedi Temple, searching rapidly for his young apprentice. The middle-aged man had been training a young padawan learner named Obi-Wan Kenobi. The young human boy was thirteen years old, but was very strong in the Force. Qui-Gon had enjoyed training Padawan Kenobi, but the only thing that drove him crazy was the fact that his apprentice loved to explore.

"Blast it, where could he be?" the master said under his breath as he made a run for Master Yoda's chambers. Maybe his old teacher would know where his apprentice was. Just as Master Jinn slid the door to Yoda's room opened, he heard the voice of his apprentice.

"She was thrashing and screaming, the doctors were trying to help her but-" Obi-Wan stopped what he was saying as soon as he saw his master walk in. The young boy was wearing his usual training robes and his padawan braid hung over his right shoulder. He looked quickly from Master Yoda to Master Jinn.

"Ah, Master Jinn. A pleasure to see you, it is." Master Yoda said with a small smile on his face. Master Jinn bowed respectively, then entered the room.

"Excuse me, Master Yoda, but my padawan and I are-"

"Telling me about a vision he just had, your padawan is. A vision that Master Windu and I have both seen." Master Yoda explained. Master Jinn was silent with shock. Master Yoda continued.

"Changed my mind about your mission, this vision has, Master Jinn. Instead, to Alderaan, you and your padawan must go. A Force-sensitive child, we have found."

"But Master Yoda, the people on Mandelore need us as well." Master Jinn tried to convince him. "People are starving and dying as we speak."

"The will of the Force, this is. Go to Alderaan, you and your apprentice must." Master Yoda said firmly. Master Jinn was silent once again. When Master Yoda gave a direct order, you sure as heck followed it. It was very unlike Master Jinn to do that, and Obi-Wan noticed.

"As you wish, Master Yoda." Qui-Gon said with a bow. Then he walked out of Master Yoda's chambers, followed by his young padawan. Obi-Wan walked quietly behind his master as they made their way through the Jedi Temple towards the hangar bay. Obi-Wan's boots silently thudded against the carpetted ground. After a moment, he finally found the urge to speak.

"Master, why exactly are we going to Alderaan?" he asked.

"Master Yoda has told us to." he answered his padawan as they continued to walk.

"But why is that Force-Sensative child so important?" Obi-Wan asked again. Master Jinn took a small breath as they entered the hangar. Their ship, the Knight, stood there waiting for them to board. They approached the ship. Once inside, Master Jinn sat down at the pilot's seat and explained.

"The Force-Sensitive child is Master Denaro's daughter." Qui-Gon told his padawan as he typed in the coordinates. Obi-Wan's jaw dropped as he sat in the co-pilot's seat. He had only heard about Master Denaro in stories that his master would tell him. And from what he heard, she had been one of the most amazing and powerful jedi that ever lived. She was brave, smart, cunning, clever, selfless, observant, gentle, and friendly.

The only flaw she ever had was the fact that she always seemed to care too much. That caring feeling then turned into love. Master Denaro secretly married a man named Arrend Bleway. Within a few months, she became pregnant with a little boy. How she had hid her pregnancy from the Jedi Council was a mystery to Obi-Wan. Nine months later she had given birth and named the boy Danik. Three years later, Master Denaro became pregnant once again, this time the baby was a girl. The girl that Obi-Wan and his master were going to pick up on Alderaan.Obi-Wan figured that Master Denaro's daughter was close to his age, maybe a year or two younger.

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