Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

"The shield genorator's been hit!" was the first thing I heard as I entered the bridge. I looked out the large window ans saw nothing but red plasma beams headed straight for us. I knew that this wasn't going to end well and I immediately regretting not kissing Obi-Wan on the elevator.

"Send out the maintenance droids." I suggested, my arms crossed.

"All droids on deck. The main shield genorator's been hit and disabled." the captain immediately said into a microphone. One by one, through the large window we saw the small astromech droids repairing the shields, their small tools at work. But then, almost as soon as they had started, the droids began to fall off of the ship, the red plasma beams hitting them and knocking them off.

"We're losing droids fast." Obi-Wan said behind me. The ship suddenly lurched backwards and Master Jinn, Master Fisto, Obi-Wan, and I all lost our balance since we weren't strapped into seats like the crew was. I grabbed onto the seat infront of me, steadying myself.

'Are you alright?'

'Yes, Obi. I'm fine. How about you?' I thought to him.

'I'm more concerned about your well-fare. Are you sure you're fine?'

'No, Obi-Wan. I'm going to shrivel up and die because of a little bump.' I thought with sarcasm. The ship continued to move and shake with each hit it took.

"If we can't get the genorator fixed, we'll be sitting ducks." the officer who had lead us to the main hangar on Naboo stated.

"The shields are gone." the captian said as he began to press buttons on the control panel. I looked out at the very last astromech droid. I knew he could do this, something inside me told me so. And I always stuck with my gut. Just as I thought, the red blinking lights on the panel suddenly began to turn green.

"The power's back!" the captain said in disbelief. "That little droid did it! Raising delfector shields at maximum." the captain said. I smiled as I watched the little blue droid make it's way back to the hatch it went out of and retun back into the ship ince we had passed the blockade. I knew the little guy could do it, I just knew it.

"There's not enough power to get us to Corosaunt. The hyperdrive is leaking severely." the captain said.

"We'll have to land somewhere to refuel and repair the ship." Master Jinn said.

"What about Tatooine? It's close by, small, and the Trade Federation have no presence there." Master Fisto suggested.

"How can you be sure?" the captain asked.

"It's controlled by the Hutts." I pointed out to him.

"You can't take the Queen there, the Hutts are gangsters. If they discovered her-"

"It would be no different than if we had landed on a planet controlled by the Federation. Except the Hutts aren't looking for the Queen, which gives us the advantage." I said to him.

"I am impressed, Padawan. You're thinking more like a Jedi Knight everyday." Master Fisto said with a smile. I couldn't help but smile back.

"I'm just stating the facts." I said modestly.

After a few more minutes of discussing the matter with the crew and Master Jinn, I excused myself. Looking at my Master, I said that I needed to go meditate. He nodded, understanding what I meant, and said that I should definately get the rest. And with that, I left the bridge, making my way to the resting quarters of the ship. I really did need to meditate, knowing that more and more dreams of Zeffan were appearing in my mind.

Once I reached the bedroom that I would be using for this mission, I walked in, closing the door behind me. Taking a deep breath, I walked over to my bed and sat down, sitting Indian style with my legs folded. I inhaled deeply, then exhaled as I closed my eyes, concentrating on the Force, letting go of my emotions.

Images began to fill my mind.....visions......visions of the future.....I could see a room.....filled with power-cells and pits.....There were four figures......dueling.....Three of them were Jedi....but the last one.....The Sith seemed familiar.....but I couldn't remember where I had seen him....Then the Sith removed his dark hood.....there stood a Zabrak....He had red skin and black tatoos......Horrible yellow eyes.....

I suddenly opened my eyes, breathing heavily. My heart was racing in my chest as I tried to think straight. Just as I was about to stand up from where I was sitting, the door to my room slid open. I looked up and saw none other than Obi-Wan Kenobi. He had a concerned look in his eye as he sat down on my bed beside me.

"You left in such a hurry, I wanted to make sure you were alright." he said to me.  I couldn't help but smile.

"Aww, you were worried about me." I said. Obi-Wan took my hand.

"Of course I was." he said as we both looked at our interwined fingers.

'I still owe you that kiss.' I thought to him after a moment of silence. He smiled and looked at me. I looked right back.

'Fine by me.' he thought back as he leaned in closer to me til our lips were less than an inch apart. My heart was beating rapidly in my chest. And I'm sure his was also. He slowly put his hand on my cheek, my eyes stayed locked on his. Then my gaze moved down towards his lips. Our noses brushed against eachother, just like they had in the elevator, when suddenly a loud knocking began to pound on the door.

"Denali! Mesa needs to talk to yousa!" Jar Jar's voice bellowed from the other side of the door. Obi-Wan and I both groaned out loud in frustration. I looked at him sympatheticlly. He just gave me a sad smile and stood up, making his way to the closed door, thinking that the moment was ruined. I quickly stood up.

'Where do you think you're going?' I thought as I quickly ran to him. Just as he was turning around to face me, my lips crashed against his. I could tell he was shocked for a moment, but then he gently placed one hand on my back, the other on the back of my neck, carefully pulling me closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck, losing myself within the kiss. As we came up for air, I smirked at him.

'Was that the kind of kiss you were wanting?' I thought.

'It was perfect.' he thought back with a smile on his face, his cheeks turning red. I walked over to the door, sliding it open.

"Yes, Jar Jar?" I asked in the most polite voice I could muster up at the moment.

"Mesa was wondering where wesa are going now." he said.

"Qui-Gon and Master Fisto know exactly what's going on. Why don't you go ask them?" I asked him. He stood there for a second, then nodded.

"Okay, mesa go do that right now!" he said. And with that, he ran off.

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