Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

"Denali!" Obi-wan shouted as he lunged at Zendara, his blue-bladed lightsaber swinging. Zendara's red lightsabers blocked his blue one, clashing. Denali gasped for breath, her hands gently touching the new bruises forming on her neck where Zendara had attempted to strangle her to death.

"I was so close, but then you and your stupid Jedi master stepped in! My master and I's plan was finally being put into motion. We were finally going to get rid of this skum, but then you got in the way!" Zendara shouted and jumped at Obi-Wan again. He dodged her first attack, back-flipping over her blade. But he failed to miss the second. He shouted in pain as the red lightsaber sliced oepn his shoulder, making a deep cut. He fell to his knees, his right hand on his new injury.

He knew he was done for. A thirteen-year-old padawan against a nineteen-year-old sith assasin, the odds weren't exactly in his favor. But then he saw the frightened look on Denali's face as she sat there in her bed, her eyes wide with shock and fear as she tried to stand up and run. He needed her, Denali knew that she needed him if she wanted to survive. He couldn't just sit back and let her die as well.

Zendara chuckled as she looked down at the small, pathetic Jedi youngling that had tried to come to her victim's rescue. She held her lightsabers up above her head, ready to strike down the padawan. Her eyes were red, her pupils the color of crimson. The hate she had developed for the daughter of Master Denaro after all the years they had spent together was bubbling to the surface. The whole time she had faked to care about Denali, the entire time she had pretended to love her like a sister was finally going to pay off.

Zendara was a Sith.

And she was proud of it.

"It looks like I will be disposing you faster than I thought I would, Jedi youngling. Too bad your master isn't here to watch you die as well." she said in a mocking voice as she brought her blades down, plummeting through the air.

"No!" Denali shouted as she stood up on her bed, her palms extended towards Zendara's back. Denali squeezed her eyes shut and felt the Force rush through her, the un-seen power escaping through her hands. Obi-Wan ducked down as Zendara flew right over him, her face slamming against the wall as the rush of power from Denali caused her to smack against the white metal. She landed with a loud FLOP onto the ground, knocked out.

"Nice one." Obi-Wan said with a smirk to Denali as he got to his feet. He bent down to pick up Zendara's two red-bladed lightsabers. But they both zoomed through the air and into Denali's hands. She smirked back at him as she twirled them around in her hands.

"You take care of her, and I'll take care of these." she said as she hopped down from her bed. She landed on her feet, but staggered for a second as she tried to get the blood flowing back to her legs. Spending over a week in bed wasn't a good thing when it came to physical health. She began to fall forward.

"Woah, careful there. We don't want you getting anymore injuries. You've gotten enough for today." Obi-Wan said as he caught her, his hands around her waist. She gave him a thankful smile and tried to hide her blushing cheeks as he helped her stand up straight. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest, the reason was a mystery to her.

'Relax, girl. You can't start growing attached to him. It's forbidden by the Jedi Order.' she thought to herself as Obi-Wan gave her another smile. She looked at the lightsabers in her hands, trying to draw attention back to the situation at hand and not to her as he stared at her.

"We should probably contact your master and tell him what has happened." she said quickly as she set the two lightsabers on the chair beside her bed. Obi-Wan nodded and quickly tied the Sith's hands together with a piece of rope he had gotten off of his utility belt. Denali sat down on the side of her bed, trying to comprehend it all.

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