Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

We approached one of the smaller shops in the middle of the sandy village when we noticed all the different kinds of junk that surrounded the store's entrance. As our small group of misfits walked inside, we were greeted by a small blue creature, which I knew was a Toydarian by the way he looked. His bald head, cup-like feet, frantically beating blue wings that gave him the ability to hover above the ground. All signs pointed to the native alien of Toydaria.  

I looked around the shop, glancing at all of the metallic junk that hung from the ceiling and leaned against the sandy walls of the facility. Droid remains were scattered all around, metal arms and legs littered the floor like a graveyard for anything robotic.

"Good day to you." the Toydarian said as he flew over to us, arms extended in a welcome form of greeting. "What are you looking for?"

"We need parts for a J type 327 Nubian." I said without hesitation. No time for small-talk, just jumping straight to the point. Explaining the appearance of our ship to the shop-owner wasn't too hard, I knew what I was talking about when it came to ships and droids. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't experienced with wires, bolts, cables, and anything involving electricity. 

"Oh, yes. Nubian. We have lots of that." the Toydarian said with a cheesy salesman-glee. He suddenly looked over his shoulder and shouted, "Boy! Get in here now!"

"My droid has a read-out of what we need." Master Jinn informed as a small boy ran into the shop. He was short, had blonde hair, blue eyes, and an adorable face. He looked like he was eleven or twelve years old, the same age I was when I left the Rancor Slayers.

"What took you so long?" the Toydarian spat at the little boy.

"I was cleaning the fan switches." the little boy exclaimed as he hopped onto one of the sandy store counters.

"Watch the store, I've got selling to do." the shop owner said to the boy. "So, let me take you out back. We'll find what you need." the man grinned, chuckling slightly, as he began to fly in the direction of the doorway the little boy had came in through. Master Jinn looked over at me.

"Watch Jar Jar and make sure he doesn't break anything." he said to me. I nodded as he followed the Toydarian, leaving Jar Jar, Padme, Jeesa, and I behind with the young boy as company. I looked around, exploring what the small shop had in stock, but made sure to keep a close eye on Jar Jar as well.

"Are you an angel?" I heard someone ask. I turned around and saw that the young boy was looking directly at me, indicating that he had been asking me that question. I looked over at Jeesa and Padme, who had mischievous smiles on their faces.

"What?" I asked him.

"An angel. I heard the Deep-Space pilots talk about them. They're the most beautiful creatures in the universe. They live on the moons of Eeago, I think." he told me. I smiled and sat down on the counter beside him.

"You're a funny little boy. How do you know so much?" I asked him.

"I listen to all the traitors and star-pilots who come through here. I'm a pilot, you know. And someday I'm going to fly away from this place." he informed me.

"I bet you are. How long have you been here?" I asked.

"Since I was very little. Three, I think. My mom and I were sold to Gardula the Hutt, but she lost this betting on the pod races." he told me.

"I'm sorry. That sounds terrible." I said to him. He just shrugged.

"I guess things could be worse." he said to me. I smiled and ruffled up his hair.

"I like you're attitude. What's your name, kid?" I asked him.

"My name is Anakin Skywalker. What's yours?" he asked as he extended his hand.

"My name is Denali Bleway." I said with a smile as I shook his hand. I saw him glance down at my side, towards my lightsaber. He quickly looked up at me, his eyes wide.

"Are you a Jed-" I quickly out my hand over his mouth, silencing him. I pressed my index finger against my lips, indicating that he needed to be quiet.

"Don't. Tell. Anyone." I said to him as I slowly removed my hand from his mouth. He nodded, understanding what I meant.

"How long have you been...." he whispered the next part. "A Jedi?"

"Four years." I told to him. His jaw dropped.

"That's really cool. I've always wanted to be a Jedi. I have dreams about having my own light-sword all the time." he said. I smiled.

"Actually, it's called a lightsaber. And they're not exactly all you think they are." I said to him. He raised his eyebrow.

"Really? So they aren't very cool?" he asked.

"Oh they're cool alright, but a very big responsibility-"

"Denali, are you sure it's smart to be telling stuff to this little boy?" Padme asked quickly.

"Hey, I'm not little. I'm twelve." he said proudly.

"Don't worry, Padme. It's not like the Queen is going to find out. And plus, I know I can trust Anakin. I sense that he's a fine young man." I said with a smile. I could see Anakin blush from the corner of my eye when I called him a 'young man'. Padme glared at me.

"I still think it's a bad idea." she huffed, Just as I was about to reply, Qui-Gon quickly walked back into the shop.

"We're leaving." he said as he headed straight to the door. I hopped off of the counter as Jar Jar, Jeesa, Padme, and I began to follow Qui-Gon out. I turned around, a smile on my face, as I waved good-bye to Anakin.

"I'm glad to have met you, Anakin." I said.

"I'm glad that I met you, too." he called back to me as I walked out into the street, chasing after Qui-Gon and the rest of the group.

We followed Qui-Gon into an alleyway, unseen by most of the crowd. He pulled out his commlink and began to talk into it. I knew he was speaking with Obi-Wan. Probably about stuff to barter with to get the parts we need. I leaned against the wall, staring ahead. Padme stood beside me to my left while Jar Jar and Jeesa quietly chatted among themselves. R2 stood on my right, silent.

"Sounds like you've got a little admirer." Padme said with a grin. I rolled my eyes.

"Anakin does not admire me." I said to her.

"Denali, he called you an angel. Has anyone ever called you an angel before?" she asked me with a smirk. I shook my head.

"But that doesn't mean he likes me. He was just paying me a compliment." I said.

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