Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

Denali woke up, her eyelids fluttering open as she remembered everything that had happened the night before. The heated agrument with Obi, talking about it with Padme, R2, and Anakin, then going outside and bringing Obi-Wan in, safe from the cold.

She looked around, realizing something strange. The night before, she had fallen asleep on the floor, nothing to comfort her or make her sleep restful. But when she woke up, she saw that her head had been laying on a pillow, a blanket had been neatly laid overtop of her. All of a sudden, she knew what had happened. She quickly got to her feet, making sure not to wake anyone else up as she quietly crept out, headed towards the livingroom. When she walked in, she saw exactly what she had expected.

"What were you thinking?" she said loud enough for Obi-Wan to hear her. He was sleeping on the old, junky couch, the pillow and blanket Denali had given him last night nowhere to be seen. Obi-Wan yawned, blinking his eyes as he looked up at the girl of his dreams.

"Good morning to you, too." he said in a sarcastic tone.

"I'm sorry, let me re-phrase that. Good morning, what in the name of the Force were you thinking?" Denali asked him. "It gets freezing at night. The last thing we need is for you to get sick with hypothermia and die."

"I didn't want that happening to you." Obi-Wan said groggily.

"I don't need you looking out for me. Even though you may not think so, I can take care of myself. I know it's a huge shock to you, but I can and I will." she said to him.

"Is everything alright?" Master Jinn said as he entered the room. Denali and Obi-Wan hadn't even realized that he had woken up.

"Yes, Master Jinn. Everything is fine." Denali said, putting her hand on her forehead as she began to feel a headache developing.

"You know, a simple 'Thank You' would've been fine." Obi-Wan said, his voice getting testy as he got to his feet.

"Fine, thank you for nearly killing yourself." Denali said sarcasticlly.

"I would love it if we could have one conversation that didn't end with us fighting."

"Good, then just stop talking to me. You know what, just pretend I'm not even here." Denali said to him. Qui-Gon watched, knowing exactly what was going on between them as he crossed his arms.

"Easy enough." Obi-Wan scoffed.

"Good. I wouldn't want some hidious helpless girl like myself making things difficult for you." Denali said to him, then marched back to Ani's bedroom without another word. She closed the door behind her. She refused to cry over him anymore. He was filth, he didn't deserve her tears and she knew it. But instead of dwelling on that moment, she thought of how happy Ani was going to be when he woke up.

"Ani....Anakin, wake up. Today's the day." Denali said as she shook the boy awake. She almost couldn't contain her excitment. Anakin stirred, then realized what today was. Today was the day he would go with them to Corosaunt, where he'd become a Jedi. He sat up quickly, rubbing his eyes, yawning in the process.

"It's today! It's today!" Ani shouted sleepily, trying to get to his feet but stumbling. Denali chuckled as she steadied him, her hands on his shoulders.

"Woah, slow down, Tiger. Just wake up a second before you start running into walls." Denali said to him, causing them both to suddenly burst out laughing. But after a moment, Anakin stopped laughing.

"I heard you talking to Obi-Wan this morning."

"I'm sorry if we woke you, Ani."

"It's alright, I was already awake anyway."

"Sure you were." Denali said in a joking manner. They both began laughing again. After making sure Anakin could walk around without falling over, they made their way out to the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?"

"Absolutely-" Denali quickly covered Anakin's mouth as they suddenly heard voices coming from the livingroom. Anakin looked at  Denali as she slowly pulled her hand away from Anakin's mouth. She pressed her index finger against her lips, telling him to stay silent.

"You don't understand, Master. I made a really big mistake-"

"That you wouldn't have made if you hadn't grown so attached to her."


"No 'but's, Obi-Wan. You have grown too close to her, and that isn't a good thing."

"But Master, last night...I-"

"I know about last night, Obi-Wan. Did you honestly think I wouldn't listen after I had told you to take your argument outside? I knew something was up, and I wanted to get to the bottom of it. So I did."

"So heard everything I said."

"Yes, I did. I also heard Denali speaking with Anakin and Padme after the matter. Denali had developed quite a good plan to keep things in order from now on that you're just going to have to respect." Qui-Gon said to his apprentice.

"Yes, Master." Obi-Wan said in shame. Anakin and Denali quickly acted casual as Master Jinn walked into the kitchen. Denali began to scour the cupboards for food as Anakin said down at the kitchen table, looking at a spoon. Qui-Gon smirked, trying to hide a chuckle.

"Why is that spoon so facinating, Anakin?" Qui-Gon asked as he sat down across from him. Anakin glanced at Denali, hoping that she had something up her sleeve. But nope, not a single plan.

"Well," Anakin started.

"Anakin, I know you two heard the conversation i just had with Obi-Wan."

"It was the spoon that gave us away, wasn't it? I should've left it on the table." Anakin said.

"Actually, I heard you two walk into the kitchen. Denali said something, then you started to speak. But then right after that, you suddenly stopped. That's obviously quite suspicious." Qui-Gon said with a chuckle.

"What do you want for breakfast, Ani?" Denali asked.

"Are you sure you know how to cook?" he asked her.

"Denali is quite an excellent chef, actually." Qui-Gon said as he lifted a mug of coffee to his lips, sipping the steaming liquid.

"Who taught you?" Ani asked.

"A few of the bounty hunters from my old gang were really great chefs. I learned everything I know from them." Denali said. Suddenly, Denali's commlink went off. She pulled the little device out of her utility belt, pressing the green button.

"Good morning, Master Fisto. Is everything alright?" Denali asked, making sure that the volume on the commlink was loud enough for Ani and Qui-Gon to hear as well.

"No, everything is not alright. Our scanners have detected a Seperatist ship only a few miles from where our ship is located. We need you to get back here so we can leave as soon as possible." Master Fisto said ugently.

"Alright, we'll be right there." Denali said. Qui-Gon was already out of his seat.

"Anakin, say good-bye to your mother before we leave. I'll get the others ready." Master Jinn told her. Suddenly a large amount of pain entered her stomach and she doubled over in agony. Anakin quickly ran to her side.

"Denali! Are you okay?" he asked quickly. She stood up as fast as she possibly could before Obi-Wan could run into the room. She refused to appear weak infront of him anymore.

"I'm fine, Ani. But have a feeling if we don't leave soon, we're going to get some company."

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