Chapter 2

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Dear you,

I have not been in school for three days. Staying at home, sleeping in all day is right up my alley. Not an actual alley, that would be silly. An alley all to myself. You silly goose. People owning alleys. Now that's crazy. Unless you were rich, and just decided to ''own'' an alley, which would be stupid. But I suppose rich people are stupid. Not all of them of course. Do not get all offensive if you are rich. I should of known, it's 2016 for fuck sake! Even if you weren't rich, somebody would of gotten offended. And if you are offended, I do not care and I am not sorry.

My CW teacher tells me I write how I talk. She tells me that I talk very fast, and about almost anything. I have strong opinions about everything, and if I don't it should not be important to anyone. I am in no means trying to hurt that objects'/persons' feelings, I am just being completely honest which is how you should be while writing. Which in case, I guess we are being honest here, I guess I should say that my Creative Writing teacher actually didn't say any of those things, but I am gonna pretend she did because that is how I write, and talk. And that is how I wish somebody would describe me.

There are only nine of us in my Freshman Math class. This one kid in my class names is Jake, or Jacob or something with a J. He doesn't talk, but he is a sophomore. Because our school is a piece of shit, certain people didn't get the right classes, and that is why we have two sophomore's. Jake from state farm and some girl name Sadies. She has purple hair and sleeps all the time. Maybe she just had to retake the class. I'm not sure. My friend really hates her because she wears kitty cat ears and tails during school. It is actually really annoying. This senior visits our math teacher almost every morning and it's annoying. There is this rumor that he raped two sophomores, but I am not sure if it's got back to him yet. He's pretty tall, but I haven't figured out if he is just big from muscle or fat. But I guess he has to be strong to hold down two girls.

I hate my ASL class. American Sign Language. My teacher said you can speak in an accent in sign language, but I don't think that's true because people who are death can't hear the accent. And I am not bashing on death people, no not at all. I hope you don't think I'm rude. I'm just simply explaining my thoughts as my dumb broad of a teacher tells me these things. She's around 80, and dresses like me when I was seven. Her and her husband are just completely adorable though. I have an A in her class, 102 percent actually, and she told me I could do better. What's better than an A? My brother really liked her when he had her, which is weird because I feel like he would of clashed with her. Besides like I said earlier, I haven't been to school in three days, and in those three days we have been working on an project. I just started it today, and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one already done.

My ESC is nice. I don't really enjoy earth science but it's not the worst. We're about to go into a long ass unit about space which I could care less about. I hate space. I space out. No pun intended. Space is the most boring subject ever, besides ANYTHING having to do with History. Why do we have to learn about people that are dead.

I'm not sure if you've seen it, but there was this video with two girls in it, and two guys. They appear to be in class, rapping to 'Chill Bill.' Sadly, that is my school. I wouldn't make it up. That's Mrs.Fuerguson's class room (however it is spelled) in the B building of my school. I know each and every single of those people in that video, and I can say at least I don't completely hate them, but they're all annoying. Two of them are siblings, I bet you didn't know that.

It's Thursday, and I don't want to go to school tomorrow. Tomorrow is the last day of the week, and I'm thinking of skipping. Of course, I can't. I actually have to participate in life of whatever that everybody else does.

My insomnia is getting bad again. I either get an hour of sleep or non at all. I want to tell my mother (Lila) but I fear Therapy. Not really, but her finding out that I'm not sleeping, is having to do with my Depression is not gonna be to happy. I don't want to go to a room and talk to some dumb broad who doesn't have anything else better to do. It's none of their business what goes on in my head, and neither is it my mothers. I wonder if they can tell your mother what you say in therapy, but I'm not jumping to know. I bet they say they can't , and then go tell them. People have a weird way of doing things.

I really want to kill myself, so Lila can send me to a psych ward so I can see how it is. I honestly just wanna go so they can ask me all kinds of questions, and I can piss them off with my sarcastic answers, and find a hot guy that cut his lips up to his cheek, but still looks hot in a weird way. My friend Monica told me about that since she has been in a ward. Of course that's only because I'm reading "Suicide Notes." The part about the hot guy isn't in that book, but in a story for a different time.

I currently want a boyfriend, but not a boyfriend. A wannabe boyfriend. I just want somebody that will buy me chocolate, and make out with me. My friends and I have decided that "Heroin Hot" is a thing. It's when tall, skinny guys with under eye circles, messy hair and looks like they haven't slept in a few days are hella hot. We also decided the 80's had the hottest guys, which they did. I think we are repeating history, and I hope the hot 80's guys come back, because if you look "Heroin Hot" we believe you are the hottest of the hot, and I wouldn't doubt if other girls agreed.

My friends and I are also really hypocritically. We're a group of friends who send memes back and forth to hide our depression, even though we all know we are all depressed. We say things such as "that makes me want to kill myself," or we talk about many ways TO kill ourselves. We like Bo Burham, and suicidal riddles. We're a bunch of depressed memers, who steal and do drugs who make fun of other depressed memers who steal and also do drugs. But that group we hate, that's a different story for another time.

Christmas is coming up, and there is this Elf on the shelf. When I was little I had one of those, but I knew it did not move by itself, but in fact that a person actually moved it. And so I moved it myself one night, and Lila freaked out and shit. And I thought it was the best thing ever because I hate Lila and I love to watch her worry. She probably thought somebody came into the house and moved it. They have another stuff animal now that goes along with the Elf, I saw it on ht television.

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