Chapter 8 - Terra

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Sixty-five days before....

"And where did Napoleon die? Can anyone tell me the place where he took his final breath?" Mr. Evan asked, standing in front of the class and waiting for a response from our very unresponsive and extremely exhausted class.

"Mr. Babieca. You look like you may know the answer," he said enthusiastically, smiling and waiting for the kid with the mop of messy blonde hair sitting a few rows in front of me to speak.

"Um.... The Battle of Waterloo?"

I was two seconds away from banging my head against a table. We had been on the same question for five minutes and a freshman in high school could probably answer it. I suppose I looked like I was holding in a huge secret because Mr. Evan made eye contact with me and smiled.


"St. Helena. He died presumably of stomach cancer," I quickly rushed out, happy to cut him off before he spoke my last name and to quicken the class period.

"Do you know what continent it is closest to?"

I thought back to when I had to research Napoleon for a paper in high school. "Africa," I answered as almost a question.

"And?" he pressed as if he had something to prove to the class through my knowledge.

"Brazil...?" I almost mumbled, totally unsure. I didn't even read the chapter.

"Nice job, Terra," he said and turned around to start walking to his desk. After looking at his phone for a moment, he said, "Alright, class, I have your last test scores up online for you to check. Start studying chapters--"

The room erupted in a roar of students packing their books and supplies. The sound had registered in my brain as something that happens before I have to hurriedly pack my own things, and that is just what I did.

It was the beginning of the day on Monday. I was glad that the week finally started again so that I could study for upcoming tests, but a little tired from the weekend. Flora Mae ended up staying over Saturday night and all Sunday helping me study and continuing to fill me in on all of the high school drama that I was missing (thank God). Her mom eventually called to tell her that she needed to get home to study. I loved Flora Mae's family--they were always so nice. I always felt a part of them whenever I spent the day over or even just went over to drop something off. Sometimes, I would even secretly pretend that I was a part of the family for real, and that Flora Mae was my twin sister who just ended up looking nothing like me. I never told her any of this, but I sometimes caught her looking at me whilst we were sitting at the table eating dinner, and she looked at me as if I was her sister and that I finally had parents again.

As I slung my backpack over my shoulder, Damian turned around and smiled at me. His eyes were sparkling and his smile was wide. It looked as though he had something to say.

"Hi," I said sweetly while gathering my books together.

"Hey," he responded and handed me the pen that was buried under all of the books that were in my arms.

"Thanks." I took the pen and shoved it into any available area on my bag. "How are you?" I asked, feeling as though something else should be said in the conversation rather than just one-word-sentences.

"Feelin' good. What about you?"

What a strange answer. "I'm really tired," I admitted and started walking slowly towards the exit of the classroom.

He followed. "Long weekend?"

"Mhmm," I said, but felt like it wasn't enough. "I don't feel like I slept at all."

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