Chapter 28 - Terra

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Forty-seven days before....

"That scene scared the actual shit out of me," Damian laughed as we exited the theater. "Mostly because you clung onto me tighter right when she popped up."

I blushed. "Sorry. I was scared, too."

It had been almost two weeks after the gala, and it was Friday, so Damian and I didn't have class in the morning. After work, we met up at the movie theater and decided (well, more like he decided and I went along with it) to see the newest scary movie. I told him that I might scream, and he just laughed at me as if I was just joking, but I really did scream. Twice. Flora Mae would probably have my head if I told her that.

But nonetheless, it was a good break from school and work and homework and Xander. That day, though, he didn't cause many issues. I was surprised, and glad at the same time because I didn't have to talk to him. I mainly just worked on my notes and listened to Xander's responses. He grew irritable after a while of Agent Byligan asking him things, and never truly answered a question; he was good at dancing around topics, but it looked routine. For example, Agent Byligan would ask about who he was in contact with outside of Project X--like a clan or family or pack--and Xander always just laughed at him.

I took double the notes that day. Half was for Project X, and half was for me. I took some on him going insane and possibly having predisposed mental issues and how the drugs messed with this body and all, and the other half was about his depression. I didn't want Agent Byligan to see those notes, because they were private and I didn't want anyone hounding him on something as detrimental as that. The secret, even though he probably didn't think anyone would notice that he had one, was safe with me.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" Damian asked as we walked down the dark street. The lights of the little town were twinkling, and even though it was late, the streets were not empty--people were piling in and out of the theater or shopping in stores with friends. It was nice to be outside of my own little world for once.

I peered up at him as a gust of wind tossed some stray hairs out of my face. It was getting darker and colder, and my nose and hands were starting to freeze up.

"Yeah, sure," I responded, moving my fingers within the pockets of my jacket to keep the blood flowing. I didn't know what he would ask me, but by the look on his face, it couldn't be good.

"I saw the tapes from Monday night tonight," he said softly, looking down at me with a sullen expression. His lips were not smiling and his baby blue eyes were not glinting like usual.

My breath halted in my chest. "Oh," I whispered, my walking pace slowing.

"I talked to my uncle about it, and he's seriously so sorry, but Nightmare does stuff like that all the time--"

"Wait, what?"

"I'm calling him Nightmare now. He's like a bad dream," Damian laughed dryly, looking awkwardly down at his shoes with an expression full of something that I wasn't sure how to describe.

I nodded, agreeing. "I see."

"Well, anyway, that stuff isn't uncommon. He's really, really good at reading people, or at least that's what my uncle says."

I turned to him. "I hope you know that I didn't sleep with him," I said quietly. "I don't know why he jumped to that conclusion."

"I'm guessing he saw you as an outsider, that you didn't belong with the rest of the people selected for the internship," he guessed, shrugging. "But my uncle said that he selected you because he saw a lot of potential for Project X with you on board."

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