Chapter 26 - Terra

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Forty-nine days before....

It was a new day.

I scraped my hair up in a braid again. I didn't care. If Xander said anything about it, I would ignore him. I hated him so much.

Finding my newly cleaned clothes, I dressed.

I hated him.

I looked through my disregarded makeup bag and found a lipgloss and some mascara. I put them on. I found a glittery highlighter and applied a little bit of it, too. I put perfume on. I found my Project X work and gathered it together. I worked on it for that last two days tirelessly, and I wanted to prove something of myself.

I hated Xander, and I wanted him to know that.

I got to the building a little too early, so I wasn't able to see Damian, but I strolled in and held my head high. A few doctors looked at me curiously because I was present before the rest of the interns, but the others paid no mind.

I walked down the halls and to the Observation Room as if I was walking to an office cubicle--like it was the most normal thing ever.

Agent Byligan was sitting at the control panel, unmoving. He heard me, I guess, before I even said hello.

"You're early," he noted dryly.

"I'm sorry. I just had a lot of work done and I wanted you to look over it," I apologized as I sat next to him in the comfy chair and pushed my papers towards him, but I wasn't really that sorry.

My eyes darted quickly to the Holding Pen just to know where Xander was.

He was sitting next to the Viewing Room window, watching me.

I darted my eyes back to my paperwork. I hoped that he didn't see me see him.

"Impressive," Agent Byligan praised in his low grumble. "Very impressive. Did Damian help you with this?" he asked, peering down at me.

I gritted my teeth but shook my head. "No."

"Would you like to question Experiment X on these yourself or would you prefer me to do it?" he asked as he folded over one of the neat files that I organized.

I cringed as my work was manhandled, but tried not to express it because he was a special agent and I didn't want to make trouble with him.

Yes, I wanted to badly to inquire him on my work, to show him what I could do. I deserved to be there. I was picked for a reason, and that reason had nothing to do with Damian or Balcom himself. Or, at least, I hoped not.

Agent Byligan decided before I even had a chance to open my mouth.

"Do you feel like being cooperative today, Experiment X?" he asked into the microphone, peering at him beneath his lowered brows.

Xander rolled his eyes and sighed. "I mean, I suppose so," he lamented softly.

I glared at him. He was being so fake that I wanted to throw up. The act was old.

"But.... I don't know," he continued, hanging his head cowering his arms. "I'm not sure I can talk within the presence of such a pretty girl. I mean look at her, she has makeup on and her hair all braided up. Oh, man, Byligan. Not sure if I could do it," he said, running a hand through his hair and looking away worriedly.

My heart raced in my chest and my fists balled up. That son of a bitch.

"She's almost screaming for attention," he concluded, his hand and expression dropping as he turned to throw a menacing gaze at me. A wicked smile grew on his face.

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