Chapter 18 - Terra

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Fifty-five days before....

"Just fill out this form first," he explained, tossing me a stack of full files bound by a large binder clip.

I picked it up and weighed it in my hand. "This whole thing is a form?" I asked in awe as my thumb flips through the papers quickly.

He tossed his gloves out before walking over to me. "Yeah, but it takes no time."

"If this takes no time, I think that our definitions of time are very different," I doubted.

Before slinging his backpack over his shoulder, he laughed.

I pretended that I wasn't taken-aback by the workload required just to apply for the internship as I packed my things. It was a long day as it was, and all I wanted to do was go home and fall asleep, but I didn't have that luxury. I promised my grandma that I would get a job to help pay for my expensive and lavish lifestyle.

Which reminded me.

"Is this a paid internship, or...?" I started quietly as we made our way out of the lab and down the hallway.

"I don't think so, but it's one of the best out there, if you applied to any med school with this under your wing, you'd probably get in. Mayo or Johns Hopkins would probably accept you."

Thinking about going to either of those school lit a flame within me, but that flame died when I realized that I probably couldn't go without proper funding, and if I didn't have a job, then that wouldn't happen. That, or my grandma wouldn't let me go if I didn't pay her back.

"Oh, crap," he realized, stopping at the metal doors of the exit of the hallway. "You need a job job. Like a job that pays."

His face was so soft and regretful that I felt bad. He went out of his way to get me the papers I needed to apply for the internship as it was, and I didn't have the heart to completely shut him down.

"I mean, like, it's fine," I lied, my cheeks heating as I saw deep into his blue eyes. It wasn't fine but I didn't want to tell him that all of his work was for nothing.

"I can ask him later if a paid internship would be alright," he offered kindly. "I don't think that they have a cap on funding. Plus, if they did pay, it would be well--"

"All I need is minimum wage, to be honest," I cut him off, but I needed more than that. "But that's fine. You don't have to," I added.

"No, I'll do it. You can't be a full-time pre med student while working a part-time job and a part-time internship. You wouldn't sleep."

"You don't have to do this," I quickly shot out. He was too, too nice. I felt bad for not being just as nice.

"No, I want to," he promised just as he unlocked the doors and started to walk out.


"Terra, it won't take but a five minute call," he insisted.

"That's not necessary."

"I've got this!" he went on before locking the doors behind us as the sound of the metal doors closing echoed down the hallway. "You go home and finish the application."


"Terra, I'm serious. You've got work to do."

I glared up at him with all of the strength and might that I could find in my small body, but then softened. "Thank you," I said quietly, as he did more for me than I could ever thank him for.

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