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"Charmeine?"  Raphael whispered, tugging my arm in an attempt to get me to wake up. 

"What Raphael? I'm tired combined with the fact I feel as if a car has run me over."

"Does that explain the reason Lucifer is sleeping on the sofa downstairs? I mean I didn't know he was allowed back in our realm."

I shot up, cursing under my breath when my body ached in response.

"That's not very angelic of you - hey, what happened to you?"

"Long story cut short, Hell happened."

"This a pun or-"


"Bloody hell! Do I even want to know the rest?"

"Lucifer's demons tortured me when I was unconscious in the Underworld."

"That's awful! I'm really sorry you had to go through that alone. If only I knew. I'll make you some tea and breakfast. I am getting worried about what the Fates are planning for you. I mean, letting the demons torture you? That doesn't seem thought through."

"Is anything that the Fates do ever thought through?" I said, following Raphael slowly down the stairs. My body still ached.

"Darling," Lucifer murmured, wasting no time to pull me tenderly into his arms. "I don't know what came over me. I think it was the Fates but I don't know- I don't remember much at all - I'm sorry! I felt as if I was not even in control of my own body. If it were truly me Charmeine, I swear I would have not treated you in that manner let alone lock you away to be tortured! Oh Charmeine! I am so sorry!"

I nodded slowly, taken back by the caring action. His apology gelt real and genuine. In fact, he seemed generally regretful of his uncontrollable actions. Only,  I felt unsure and conflicted - should I brush him off? Or stay within arms reach? Could I really trust him?

"It's okay, Lucifer," I said slowly, my voice tight in my throat. " Please don't do that again - you scared me." I kept my words limited. It was fine really - I didn't die, Lucifer is the Devil - not surprising he acted a little off and even if I wanted to never see his pretty ever again, the Fates would force me to. Just like they forced Lucifer to act completely outraged. If anything, this was a warning and if I wanted to stay in one piece at the hands of Lucifer. I better do it at my own will. 

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