A different eye pt2

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(Btw when I use brackets it's what I think or what I'm saying. It's not part of the story line one bit it's my personal intake on what I make happen but get ready for pt2 of a different eye)

Adams POV
9:hello what's your emergency ?
A: eh hi my names adam *beeb* (I don't think I'm aloud to say his last name because he might not like that !) and I'm here at the scene of a car accident.
9:okay how many passengers?
A: two but there a person that collapsed aswell.
9: okay what's the gender of the passengers ?
A: make and female
9: and the person that has collapsed?
A: male ( I really wanted to put I don't know what this creature is😂)
9: and what is your location?
A:*the address*
9: okay I'm sending an ambulance to the scene please stay on the line and describe what's going on until they get there.
A: okay well no ones moving.
9: okay okay and did u tamper with the bodies ?
A: wha no!
Emily's POV
*emily takes over* (I have things planed okay she was always here😂)
9: okay
E: eh hi I'm Emily *beeb* and I have to take over from Adam *beeb* because he's getting too stressed.
9: okay have u been filled in on the information I have given mr*beeb*?
9: okay so mrs (I rly want to put vacktor!)*beeb* is any of the passengers pregnant?
E:eh yes
9:okay what position is the car in?
E:upside down *ambulence arrives*
E: the paramedics are here.
9:okay now if u could please hang up the phone?
*hangs up*
"Hey Emily" Adam shouts! *alesa pulled up and comes over* "yea?"I reply "you gotta see this!" Adam exclaims. "Isn't that shelbys phone?" Alesa adds on. "Yea but look"
*privet user*
Pu: your stupid !
S: not u again! Why are u back
PU: there's a thing called revenge and I'm going to get it!
PU: your going to die today in a car accident and I'll be watching, laughing, smiling to ur pain
PU: let the show begin
"What the heck. What the actual fuck." Adam says getting very angry. "Babe" alesa tries to Comfort him. "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!" Adam shouts loud enough to wake Ross

(Getting interesting Now. Who do u think privet user is? What will happen to shelby and Max? What about the part with Emily and 999. She let something very important slip out! Now u know why she was saying oh no OVER and over in prt 1. I feel bad for shelby. First she got shot then Tyler comes over and memories were brought up then she tought Max was cheating on her with em and now this ! I'm so happy I got back into writing this it's amazing what I can do to characters to make the story change !)

I love you Mithzan X shelby pt1Where stories live. Discover now