Chapter 5

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Scarlet's POV...

2 weeks later

I woke up and tried to get out of Miles's bed but a heavy weight restrained me, I tugged harder only to hear a deep voice.

"Mine." A growling deep voice said as I was squeezed tighter.

I opened my eyes and looked down only to see sleeping Miles on me. He looked kinda cute sleep but I was pissed that he was on me in my bed and was touching me without permission. I raised my mouth to his face.

"Miles." I yelled.

With that he fell off the bed and cursed.

"What the hell?" Miles said getting up.

"Why were you on me?" I said getting up.

"I couldn't help it you smelled good." Miles said smiling.

"Get out and don't do that again." I said pointing at the door.

"You are my mate I can touch you whenever I want." Miles said walking in front of me

"I am not your mate." I said looking at him

His devilish eyes still fixed on me as he pinned me against the wall.

"I saved you and for that you are mine always and forever." He said looking down on me.

"You didn't save me and I will never be owned by a murderous beast like you." I said.

"You're my mate and that makes you mine." He said stroking my cheek.

I pushed him.

"I'm pretty sure that being someone's mate doesn't mean you own them. Just because all your life you've gotten what you wanted doesn't mean you can have me. You will never own me." I said looking into his eyes.

"We'll just have to see about my little mate, because you're bound to give yourself up to me whether you like it or not." He said running his fingers through my hair as he leaned in closer to me.

I slapped his hand away from me.

"Get out or I'll go get mom and tell her what you did." I said looking at his gorgeous eyes.

"Fine." Miles said looking annoyed.

As I watched him leave I noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt, he had the back muscles of a god. As I stared at his back he turned around revealing his six pack and perfectly chiseled chest.

"I'm not going to be able to keep my hands off of you, if you get horny every time you see me." Miles said laughing.

"Get out, asshole." I said throwing a pillow at him.

Miles dodged the pillow and laughed.

"I love you, too." He said winking at me before leaving.

I closed the door and walked into the bathroom, I began to take off my clothes so I could take a shower. I had to use Miles's men's body wash because it was the only thing he had. When I got out of the shower I put on a white sundress and went downstairs. When I walked into the kitchen I saw mom cooking and Miles sitting down at the table.

"Good morning beautiful, you smell nice." Miles said winking at me.

"Mom, Miles got in my bed while I was asleep without my permission." I said.

Mom turned and looked at me and then Miles.

"Miles, what was the agreement?" Mom said.

"Snitch." Miles said looking at me.

"Miles, you are not suppose sleep with Scarlet without her permission." Mom said.

"She smelled good. My wolf took over." Miles said.

"Wolf? " I thought to myself.

"Then keep him under control."Mom said.

"If she kept your teenage hormones under control maybe he wouldn't take over." Miles said using air quotes when he said teenage hormones.

"Mom, will you still love me if I kill Miles?" I asked.

"I would frown upon it but I would still love you." Mom said as she continued to cook.

"Good, can I barrow a knife." I asked.

"I can't wait to mark you." Miles said laughing.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Miles." Mom said looking at him sternly.

"Scarlet you should eat." Miles said changing the subject.

"What does "mark you" mean?" I asked as I sat down in front of Miles at the table.

"Don't worry about it right now sweetheart." Mom said handing me a plate of food.

"Mom, I want to know if I can start to trust Miles." I said starting to eat.

"Mom, she's right." Miles said.

"Miles, Scarlet doesn't need to worry about that right now." Mom said.

Miles looked at his mom and then me.

"Scarlet there are two things that need to happen in the mating process." Miles started.

"What's a mating process?" I asked eating.

"It's what bonds mates together as one." Miles said.

"What are the two things that have to happen?" I asked.

"Well, there's marking that starts with one mate usually the dominant biting the neck of the submissive leaving a mark on her neck showing that she belongs to him. And then there's the sex that bonds us together completely. And that's the mating process." Mile said

"You want to do that to me?"  I asked a little scared of the answer.

"Yes." He answered.

"No." I said shocked.

"What?" Miles said angrily.

"I'm not going to let you mate, mark me or do whatever it's called to me." I said shocked.

"Why not?"  Miles said angrily.

"Miles." Mom said try to stop him.

"I don't want to have sex with you or so much as even touch you after what you did." I said.

"Scarlet, Miles did some bad things but he's your mate." Mom said trying to calm me down.

"He's not my mate, if anything the man that Miles killed in cold blood was supposed to be my mate." I said.

"You know what, I'm fine with not having you as a mate. I don't need a girl by my side, I need a woman that I can mark and mate without her bitching about it." Mile yelled at me.

"Miles." Mom screamed at him.

"You know what, this girl hopes you find that desperate woman that fall at your knees and begs you to mark her. Mom, thanks for the food, I'll be back later." I said getting up and walking to the backdoor door.

I walked in the woods as I fought with myself.

I Saved You Little Mate #JustWriteItWhere stories live. Discover now