e p . t h i r t e e n

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Vivre L'Instant - Episode Thirteen
Trains. That's all I have to say. Trains.


"Thank you so much." Kunpimook smiles politely as he hands over his credit card to the worker who has just finished putting in his newly bought sim card in his phone for him.

He bows to the worker when he gets his phone, his card and a receipt back and proceeds to exit the store, tucking his wallet back inside his pocket.

It's a Saturday afternoon, and the mall is filled with people. Since his friends haven't been going out together as a whole group recently, he's spending his weekend alone and with Yugyeom who is living at his house with him.

Kunpimook is just heading to the escalators so he can go up to the supermarket and buy himself some snacks when he sees a familiar girl with a not-so-familiar boy before he can even reach the escalators, and the champion boxer named guilt punches him in the chest again.

He moves swiftly through the crowd of people and goes up to the pair. "Hello."

Mina stops in her tracks and glances at his face before looking up at the boy she's with. "Hi, BamBam. I didn't expect to see you here."

"I just bought a new sim card for my phone." he tells her, then looks at the boy from head to toe. The boy has dark fluffy hair, a sharp jawline, chiseled features, and a slim figure; he is very very handsome, even to Kunpimook and he swears to god he isn't at all gay. "Hi, I'm BamBam." he greets the boy, who breaks into a smile, showing his canines.

"I'm Mark. Would you like to join us?"

Kunpimook can see Mina's eyes widen just slightly at Mark at his sudden offer.

Truth be told, he didn't really expect Mark to invite him to join them in wherever they're going and whatever they're planning to do. Heck, he didn't even expect to find the pair of them there, he just wanted to buy a new sim card.

But he can't reject Mark now, can he? He would look very rude if he did.

So Kunpimook nods, and Mina's eyes widen even more as Mark grins at him. "Great! It would be nice to get to know you better, it seems like you and Mina are good friends from the way you just walked up to us, yeah?"

Oh, he has no idea.

He smiles cheerfully at Mark, saying that yes, he and Mina are really good friends, and that he'll be delighted to join them in whatever they're planning to do.

In the mall, at the top floor, there is apparently an indoor bowling alley that Kunpimook has been to before with Yugyeom and Jackson, and most people don't normally find it that they when they get there, they are surprised to find that there is actually a bowling alley. He's curious how Mark found this place.

"Hey, Mark," he calls out to him, when Mina shoos Mark away when he tries to help her carry the snacks she's getting from the vending machine.

"Yeah?" Mark smiles at him, tilting his head expectantly.

"How'd you find this bowling alley? People don't normally know about this even though it's in a mall."

"Oh, about that..." Mark's cheeks turn a light shade of pink and he sits down beside Kunpimook, lowering his voice when he speaks again. "I actually googled some good date ideas, because I never took anybody out on a date before, and I really like Mina so I wanted to make sure we would be doing something fun. Google said bowling was a good idea, and I looked around for some bowling alleys and I found this."

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