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Vivre L'Instant - Episode Fourteen


Kunpimook is pacing around his living room, anxiously waiting for Yugyeom to come back. After Seulgi unexpectedly called him around more than an hour ago, then the call suddenly ended and she didn't call again, he's starting to worry about what went wrong because he's pretty sure Yugyeom was the one who was with her and screaming at her to move her feet for some reason.

What the fuck happened to them? Where in the world were they even at, anyway?

Nearly half an hour later, he hears the door open and close and the sound of heavy footsteps is coming nearer to him. He immediately knows it's Yugyeom, who else can it possibly be, nobody else knows the passcode to his apartment.

Yugyeom steps into the light of the living room, his face pale and his arms shivering. Sweat is continuously rolling down in beads on his forehead, and he's biting down on his lips. Kunpimook rushes forward towards his friend. "What the fuck happened to you guys?"

"Seulgi's phone is shattered, mine's dead. We almost got hit by a fucking train because a certain somebody wouldn't pick up the call quickly."

Kunpimook falls silent and his face pales, he knows that's directed to him. "Fuck. I'm so sorry."

Yugyeom stares at him then lets out a deep sigh, shaking his head silently and pushing past Kunpimook to go inside his room. The Thai boy follows, a few steps behind him, and is just about to stick his foot through the door when Yugyeom is about to close it so he can talk with him a bit more when he slams it shut completely, nearly missing his foot.

Normally, Kunpimook would get mad about this, but he doesn't. Why should he get mad when he was the reason he and Seulgi nearly got hit by a train?

His eyes widen. God, Seulgi.

It's half past nine and Kunpimook is now deciding whether to go find Seulgi to make sure that she's okay or if he should just stay home because it's already late. He decides to go with the first choice, but then he realizes he has no idea where Seulgi lives.

He grabs his phone again and dials Yujin's number, hoping that she knows where. She answers on the second ring, and says she doesn't, much to Kunpimook's dismay. He tries to call Jackson, too, but he's not answering, so he dials his last resort. Mina.

Kunpimook doesn't even know if she will pick up his calls, and it takes such a long time for her to pick up that he's starting to think she won't ever answer, but she does, and he internally panics.

"What do you want?"

He licks his lips. "Do you happen to know where Seulgi lives?"

"No." Her answer is quick, and he's surprised at how fast she answers him. "Now, if that's all you need from me, I'll be hanging up now, yeah? G-"

"Mina. Wait."

He doesn't know why he's suddenly stopping her from hanging up, it's not like he has anything more to say to her, but things have been rather rocky between them for a while and it's been a long time since she hasn't been giving him the cold shoulder. (It's probably because Mark is there, but still.)

Mark seems to like her very much, and he's also so nice to Kunpimook. Mina hasn't ruined Mark's thinking about him, and even though it would be really mean of her to do that, he's grateful she hasn't. Kunpimook doesn't find such nice people so easily every day.

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