Chapter 1

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Luna and Tony were sleeping in the car when the black and red haired girl heard the sound of rusty gates opening.

The sun was just setting as their green van parked. Fluttering her eyes open and shaking her head, The next thing she sees is large, castle-like building.

Must be at least a century old, making her thank the gods that it was made of stone instead of wood.

She has to admit that is was a beautiful house, but still thousands of miles away from normal talking people. She just gently shook Tony awake and look up to the castle.

"Were here." Luna took that instant to jump out of the car, stretching her legs out first, then her whole body. She grabbed her carry on bag and walked up the the castle.

She just sighed, thinking to herself that she had to get use to this so she opened the wooden door and was hit with the smell of must.

She held her nose and looked around to see a dusty house. She sighed and felt a hand pat her head.

"Go upstairs and pick out a room. It's your choice. She smiled through her black hair and walked up the concrete stairs to the second floor. Her blue eyes scanned the dirty hallway and she walked down it to the last door.

She noticed something different about this door. It was a darker color than the others and it looked like a star was lightly engraved into the wood. She pushed the door open to see the wall was a shade of purple instead of the dark yellow.

She felt a presence in this room that she couldn't put her finger on. She just sighed and smiled, opening the curtains, saying "Nothing a little feminine touch can't fix.' She smiled and placed her bag on the ground.

She ran down the stairs and saw her family hugging. "I need the broom." Luna grabbed the broom and dustpan, avoiding the family hug and ran back upstairs, into her new room. She grabbed her Ipod and played her favorite song 'I Miss The Misery' by Halestorm.

As the loud music echoed through the room, she danced her way around the room as she sweeped. As she cleaned, she felt like a pair of eyes looking at her. She looked at the window to see nothing but the night sky.

She continued to clean her room, sweeping at the floor and collecting all of the spiderwebs she could. She heard a noise from the balcony, making her drop the broom and walk out the double doors and onto the stone balcony.

It was covered with old vines with thorns and flowers. She smiled at the vines until she saw a rose that was in a vase that looked to be about three hundred years old. She smiled at the flower and looked around to see if anyone was there.

She saw that no one was there, making her shrug and walk into the bedroom again. She took out her sleeping bag and laid it down. Luna was called to dinner, making her get scared of what kind of food her mother would make.

One step down the stairs, the smell of pasta sauce and meatballs filled her nose. She slide down the railing, smiling and ran into the kitchen. "I thought making some food that everyone loves." The emo girl sat at the table and smiled, a plate of orange spaghetti and red meatballs in front of her.

She felt that weird feeling that someone was watching her again. She just kept it to herself and started to eat her dinner. "Papa. When is the moving truck gonna be here?" He swallowed, saying that their stuff should be here in about a week.

She sighed, knowing that this will be a long week. After dinner, her mom; Dottie; washed the dishes and she saw that Tony had taken the room right next to her. "Good night baby brother." She walked into her bedroom and closed the door.

She took out her book about the undead. Reading the section of vampires, she wondered if the things in the book were true. Like the mirrors, garlic, crosses, and sunlight. She looked at her clock to see it was three am.

She closed her book and turned off her light, taking one last look at the rose. Closing her eyes she instantly fell asleep.

Tony and Luna's Dream:

Looking around, she saw that she was at a cliff with her brother Tony. She looked up to see a large comet going behind the moon. She looked down to see that Tony was gone. "There you are..." Luna looked over to see a handsome boy about 18 years old.

"You better hurry or else you will miss it..." She was confused and looked down to see she was in some ancient clothes from the 1700's. She saw a medallion with a bright red stone in the center and three silver rings surrounding it.

It was on a chain connected to what looked like the leader of the group. He said a weird incantation that made a red beam come from the comet. Luna saw that the entire group was smiling and the handsome teen clutched her hand tighter.

"Soon my love. We shall be human." Luna was just so confused until she hears the word "VAMPIRES!" Everyone looked around to see a man on a large buggy. Flames came from large torches and everyone scattered in fear. "My love!"

The oldest pulled me into his arms and into a bush to hide, clutching her tightly as if to make sure that she was not hurt. Two children came after us. "Gregory!" Themulti colored hair teen named 'Gregory' said the names Rudolph and Anna.

Luna felt safe next to this guy. "Give me that stone!" I looked over to see a grungy man with a large cross on it, and for some reason, it made me cringe in pain. The leader fought against the strange man, despite his heavy cape.

Suddenly, the red stone came loose from it's spinning metal prison. The red stone was flung from the medallion and soared over the cliff without any hesitation.

The last thing she saw was a man with shoulder length, dirty blonde hair jump and try to catch it. I screamed and everything went black.

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