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Hello everyone, today I have some news! :00

So, I was in our cafeteria, ready to go to Student Council, buuut....
I was told to head home, because I'm going to Wisconsin!

No, I'm not staying there, I'm just visiting my aunt, which would take an eight hour drive- So I'm basically free for that whole ride. I'll be gone on the trip for five days, I'm going to miss Thursday, Friday(Sorry, I can't go to Friday Fun Night;;;;), Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.
I'll be back on Tuesday, and I'm sorry this is all in short notice. Also, tell Mr. Daugherty I'm sorry for not being able to go to the debate club-

Anyways, I'll be sure to take pictures on my trip, I'll be sitting in the back seat all to myself, so YAY! :D
I'll see you all Tuesday, well, school mates, I'll be sure to keep you guys updated here! ;) Onoe, my step sister just arrived- Bub-bye-

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