My Lost Girl - Peter Pan

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I can't believe I haven't been able to escape this horrible island, it's been three damn days.

It's pitch black in this forest, except for the light glow of the moon.

If you're wondering, my name is Y/N, and I am trapped in Neverland. I was brought here by the shadow itself.

Ever since that demon dragged me up here, I've been alone and completely stranded on this godforsaken island.

How did I get here? I honestly have no real reason as to why, but the shadow showed up on my balcony at 2 am on a Tuesday and dragged me here. I was depressed, I had no friends at my new school and my step mom was being a bitch, which is why I was crying on my balcony, at 2am.

It's Friday, and I am now walking around this forest, with nothing but trees surrounding me. I stopped at a berry bush and picked some for a meal. There's zero food here so I have lived off of berries and nuts for the past three days.

I seriously need some real food. Lost in thought I realize that there was something moving behind the tree.

Eh it's probably just a raccoon or something.

I thought as I brushed it off. But soon I heard more movement from all around me, suddenly I see a person walk out.

A boy specifically, he was wearing a large green cape that had a hood on it. His long, dirty blonde hair barely peeking out of the hood. I couldn't really see his face since it was already dark. He had a torch in his right hand, but it wasn't enough to see his face.

"Well well, what do we have here?"

He had a very deep attractive voice, I'll admit. All I could mutter out was, "W-Who are you?"

"That's not how things work here, I ask the questions, and you answer them."

He pulled the torch closer to his face, giving me a slight glimpse of his scar. Then the rustling in the bushes started again.

"Come on out boys, no need to hide anymore."

Suddenly four boys, around my age, if not a little younger, started coming out from behind the bushes. They were all wearing green as well, but no capes.

"I'm Y/N, I've been here for three days, the shadow brought me here, but I don't know why," I practically mumbled the last part to myself.

"That shadow definitely has great taste," he said while looking me up and down, which made me a bit self-conscious, and uncomfortable.

"I'm Felix, these hooligans here are the lost boys," he chuckled along with them, "now we will have to escort you back to our leader."

My eyes widened, afraid of what Felix would do to me. He quickly saw that I was shocked at his statement, and quickly said, "Don't worry, we won't tie you up unless you give us a reason to, which I know you won't, right?"

I shook my head no, unable to utter any words. The last thing I wanted to do was piss off these "lost boys" and get kidnapped.

"Good, shall we?", he said as he pointed straight ahead with his torch, signalling me to walk ahead of him.

------Time Skip cuz I can, oop------

After about twenty minutes of waking, we arrived at what appeared to be a small campsite.

There were logs placed as benches around a campfire. A couple of tents here and there.

Felix whistled, and more boys came out of the tents. All of them stood there staring at me with wide eyes, as if they had been looking at a unicorn or something.

Felix goes down to the very middle of where the tent is, going to the biggest tent there, disappearing as he walked in.

Now I was left with about thirteen boys staring at me, yeah totally not freaking out right now.

About 5 minutes later Felix walks out and walks to me with his hood down, I have to admit he's pretty damn attractive.

"He wants to see you," he says with a smirk playing on his lips.

"Who wants to see me?" I asked nervously.

"Pan, of course. The leader of the lost boys."

I walked nervously to the big tent with Felix behind me. As we approached the tent, Felix walked in front of me and pulls open the flap of the tent.

"Good luck girl," he smirked.

I walked in and saw, who I'm assuming is "Pan", with his back was faced to me, while propping himself up on a wooden desk that was in front of him.

"Hello there, love," he turned to look at me.

My god he's gorgeous, he had the most amazing greenish-blue eyes. His hair was a caramel sort of color, but I couldn't really tell exactly what color because they were only a few torches in here.

He was wearing a dark green outfit that fit him absolutely perfect. He was perfect.

"H-hi, you wanted t-to see me?" I stuttered.

"Yes I did, you have been wandering about my island, Neverland, for three days, it took the lost boys a while to find you."

"I-I'm sorry, the shadow-"

"I know, he brought you here, he's got his reasons. Why haven't you tried to leave yet?", he said while taking a few steps towards me.

"I didn't know how, I would've if I did," my breath hitched in my throat when he came close to me, really close, he grabbed my chin and stared into my y/e/c eyes.

"I see, well you have no way off this island, sorry love, but I'm afraid I can't let you go."

My eyes practically popped out of my skull,"What, w-why!?!"

He didn't say anything, he just stared at me before doing something I never thought he would do.

He kissed me.

I was shocked at first, but kissed back, deepening the kiss. My hands went around his neck, as his traveled down and rested on my waist.

We went on until we were both out of breath, we pulled away and looked at each other.

Finally he spoke,"I want you here with me, there's no question about that, but do you want to stay?"

I quickly nodded.

He smiled and raised an eyebrow and asked,

"Will you be my lost girl?"

I didn't say anything, but I kissed him, letting him know my answer.

I was his lost girl.



xx- Sarah
1116 words

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