Soft Faces - Captain Hook

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Your POV

"Darling, have you seen my bo-"

I finished covering the last part of my face with a mud mask when Killian walked into the bathroom.

"Have I seen your what, babe?" I turned to look at him and he smirked.

"What are you doing?" he chuckles a little while leaning against the wall.

"Ummm, sadly, good skin doesn't magically appear overnight, you gotta put in some work," I couldn't help but laugh along with him,"but stop, you can't make me laugh, it'll mess up the mask."

"Sorry love, it's just a bit amusing, that's all. This stuff on your face makes you look like you're ready to Trick or Treat." he starts slowly walking towards me.

"Well, for your information this "stuff" is good for your skin, you should try it with me," I shot him a small smile while he held me by my waist. (A/N: don't crack that mask sis)

"What is it anyway, clearly it's some sort of paste but I think I'd like to know what I'm putting on my handsome face before risking anything," of course he never fails to be cocky.

"It's a cucumber mud mask, obviously mixed with other stuff, but it'll leave your skin really soft, so what'd you say, babe?"

"Alright love, I'll trust your judgement. What's the worst that could happen to this face?"

I quickly opened up the jar and spread it all over his face, except for the places he had facial hair.

Within 2 minutes he had the mask on and I don't know how but this makes him 27483219 times more attractive.

Guys are always saying it's "just for girls" and the fact that he's so sure about his masculinity has me drooling.

"Is it weird if I say that you look so hot right now, because you look so hot right now."

We were both sitting on the couch, my legs over his lap and my back was against the armrest on the couch, while he was sitting like a normal human.

"So, I only look hot when I have green goop on my face?" he pouted and I just about died.

"No, you look hot all the time baby, you just look a little hotter than usual. Most guys don't do this with their girlfriends because it's not "manly" enough, but the fact that it didn't bother you is sexy as hell," he shifted slightly so his hands were on my thighs and not near my ankles.

"I'm glad this look gets you all riled up, but don't go spreading this around to everyone else in Storybrooke, love. This is only for you, I have a reputation to uphold," he did his best to talk normally because the mask was drying and becoming stiff.

"I promise this will be our little secret. Besides, I want to keep soft Hook to myself. We should do this mo-,"

I was interrupted by my timer freaking out.

"Oh, its time to wash it off, come on."

*time skip cause I can*

"No babe, you're supposed to pat your face dry, not rub it," I scolded him, forgetting that he's never done this before.

"And here I thought I was the bossy one," he laughed and tossed his little towel by the sink. (A/N: do you guys think Hook is messy or clean?)

"Sorry, I'm just trying to help," I pouted on purpose knowing what it does to him. ;)

"Now, come on love, you know I can't stay angry at you when you make faces like that," he walked over and wrapped his hands around my waist, pulling me close to his body.

"Why do you think I use this face all the time?" I was the one smirking this time.

"Really? In that case, don't ever stop making that face," he slowly leaned down to give me a quick peck.

"Now, how about we take our soft faces to the bedroom and have ourselves a nice cuddle?" He smirked and raised his little eyebrow at me and I don't know what God did to make him so beautiful, but I thank him for it anyway.

"How can I say no to that face, but can I have one more kiss?"

With that he kissed me and picked me up, wrapped my legs around his waist, and carried me to our room

We spent the rest of the night cuddling and talking about anything and everything. It didn't seem like much, but as long as I was with him, I didn't need anything else.


So sorry I haven't posted in such a long time.


and also requests are OPEN

Just message me or leave a comment and I will write it as soon as I can, I promise I'll be more active,


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