Jealous - Sheriff Graham

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It's your birthday today and you rushed back and forth between the grocery store aisles looking for y/f/s. (your favorite snack)

Your boyfriend, Graham, was home waiting for you with a surprise that he knew you were going to love.

"Yesssssssss," you reached out and grabbed 3 bags of y/f/s and rushed to the cash register.

After paying for everything you needed, you got in your f/c Jeep, threw everything in the back seat, and headed back to your apartment.

time skip to birthday surprise

"Thank you for all of my presents baby, I loved every single thing," you gave your amazing boyfriend a kiss on his bearded cheek and he smiled.

"Anything for my queen, but there is one more thing that I got you, love," he smiled and went to the extra room in your apartment. *imagine whatever kind of room you want ;)*

"What is it, I wanna seeeeeee," you rushed to your feet before being stopped by his voice.

"No, no, no, you stay right where you are," he laughed at your whining and took forever to come back out.

"Baaaabbeee, you're taking to looonngggg, I want to know what it is, pleaaasseee."

"Alright, alright, here it comes,"you were expecting him to walk out, but when he didn't you were confused.

"Where is it?"

All of a sudden the most adorable pitbull puppy slowly walked out from behind the wall and you lost it.

"OHHHH MY GOSH, YOU DIDN'T, IS THIS A JOKE? BECAUSE IF IT IS IT'S NOT FUNNY," you had tears in your eyes and the biggest goofy grin on your face.

"No, it's not a joke, I'm serious love, he's all yours."

You picked up the little smol gray pitbull and tried not to scare it to death. He has blue eyes and little white spots on his paws, he was perfect.

"I don't even know what to say, I love him so much, he's everything I ever wanted in a puppy. Just look at his little eyes," you cried like a baby while holding your new baby.

"So, what shall his name be?"

"I don't know, uhhhh, what about Baloo? You know, from The Jungle Book," you wiped the tears from your face while Graham held the gorgeous puppy in his arms.

"I love it. Hello Baloo, I'm your new daddy and she is your new mommy, and we are going to take care of you," he held Baloo close to his face and Baloo kissed his nose.

"Awww, he gave you kisses. I want some," you took Baloo back and sat down on the couch with his tiny body on your lap.

"I'm gonna love you forever and ever and ever," he responded with a yawn and slowly drifted off to sleep.

time skip again, oop

It has been 4 days since Graham gave you Baloo for you birthday and the only time you've put him down is when he had to go to the bathroom.

Graham had been acting a little weird in the past day and a half, but you though it had something to do with work.

You were currently laying on the couch with Baloo on your stomach while watching Pitch Perfect. (ready to get pitch slapped)

It's currently 7:36 p.m., which meant Graham would be home in a few minutes, but you've already made dinner and just have to wait for him to come home.

"See Baloo, that's what happens when you get involved with a Treblemaker."

He licked your hand that was by his tiny little head and laid back down on your stomach.

Then you heard keys jingle by the door and Baloo popped his head up, knowing that his dad was home. He got excited and wagged his little tail back and forth.

Then the door opened up and in walked your shmexy boyfriend ;).

He looked at both of you and hung his coat and put his keys on the hooks by the door and walked to the kitchen.

Didn't  say hi, didn't smile, nothing, just walked away. Now you knew something was wrong.

"So am I invisible now?"

You got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen.

"I don't know, are you?"

He opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water and turned to look at you.

"What the hell is your problem, did I make you mad or something? Even if I did, you don't have to be so rude," you put Baloo on the floor and crossed your arms.

"Oh my gosh, I think I might be seeing things, did you just put him down," he dramatically and sarcastically put his hand over his heart and leaned back against the fridge.

"What do you mean? He's not always with me."

"For the past 4 days all you've done is held that dog, day and night, I even have to sleep uncomfortably because he's sleeping in our bed now.

"Is that what this is about? Are you seriously jealous of a dog? I still pay attention to you," but everyone knows you're lying.

"Yeah right, I can't even have a cuddle with you because he's in the middle of it, can't sleep with my arms wrapped around you because I'll squish him, and you always have him on your lap," he looked at me with legitimate puppy dog eyes and the biggest pout ever.

"Baby, I'm sorry that I've been paying more attention to him than you, but you didn't have to be a jerk about it, you could've just told me something before," I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his torso.

"I'm kind of a dog too you know, the whole wolf thing, so why is he any better than me?"

There was that adorable pout again.

"He's not better than you babe, I promise, tonight I'll get him to sleep in his bed, ok? I'm all yours," I kissed his bottom lip and he pulled me back in for a 'proper' kiss.

"I'm sorry I was acting like an asshole earlier, I just thought I was losing you to a dog."

"If you lost me it would be to someone like Shawn Mendes, or Prince Charming, not a dog," you smirked knowing you were going to get him even more jealous with the Prince Charming thing.

He looked at you and unwrapped your arms from his torso, but you held his hands in place.

"I'm kidding, I'm kiddinggg, you're never going to lose me, never. I love you so so so much, ok?"

"Ok, but the dog goes in it's own bed and we have to cuddle generously for the next week, deal?"


After you made your little promise, you sat down and ate dinner, then got ready for a cuddle session. (without Baloo)

As you promised, Baloo slept in his dog bed and Graham pulled you closer to him and wrapped his arms around your waist.

Your head was in the crook of his neck and his was on your shoulder. He finally had you to himself and he loved it. You both slowly drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.


Hey sisterssss

Here's an update, hope you guys liked it and dont forget to comment and vote if you enjoyed reading this chapter.

And thank you soooooo much to everyone who has added this story to their libraries, you guys are absolutely amazing.

Requests are open, just comment or PM me your requests and I will write them as soon as I can.

XO ♡ - S

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