Meeting Regina

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1037 words
Your POV

I'm so nervous, I'm so freaking nervous.

Who knew that my hands could be so sweaty? Is it hot in here or is it just me?
What if she hates me? What if I screw up? What if-

"Babe, just breathe, calm down, it's just you, she will love you, and you will do great," Henry grabbed my shoulders to try and calm me down.

"Did I say that out loud?" I asked, trying my best to calm myself.

"Yeah, you did," he laughed.

Henry and I have been dating for 2 months now, but I still haven't fully met Regina, I've brushed shoulders with her but we've never had a full on conversation. Of course I've already met Emma, she's amazing, I mean she's the Savior, what could've gone wrong?

But Regina, is an entire different story.
She's way overprotective of Henry and I felt as though, in her eyes, I would never be good enough for him.

Don't get me wrong, Henry makes me feel like a queen every moment of everyday but, I can't help it, I still get super insecure when it comes to Regina.

But tonight I am facing my fears. We are finally going to have dinner with Regina. For the past month Henry's been begging for me to do this and I've never had the guts to, but might as well get it over with, right?

"Ok, did you get the pie out of the oven?" I asked after calming down.

"Yes, I'm so glad it's pecan and not apple, it's a-"

"It's a family thing, I know babe," I finished, and he chuckled a bit.

"It's now or never, I guess," I sighed and grabbed the pie. We headed out the door of Emma's apartment and headed to Regina's on foot.

After a 10 to 15 minute walk, we were at the gates of hell. Maybe I was exaggerating a bit but, can you blame me?

We walked right in since its basically Henry's house too. I smelt Lasagna and garlic bread and I no longer wanted to leave.

 I smelt Lasagna and garlic bread and I no longer wanted to leave

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Regina's POV

As I was about to take the lasagna out of the oven when I heard the door open.

"Mom, we're here," Henry yelled from the hallway.

"Im in the kitchen," I replied. I'm supposed to be on my best behavior, whatever that means. I don't see why Henry is so worried about me being in the same room as his girlfriend.

"Hi honey, how are you?" I hugged him and went on to Y/N.

"This must be the famous Y/N that you've been telling me so much about, she's even more beautiful than you said,"I reached out to hug her, the poor girl looked like she was about to faint.

"Mom, this is my girlfriend, Y/N Y/L/N, Y/N this is my mom, Regina Mills."

Your POV

I have to admit that this is a lot easier than I thought, but I'm still trying my best not to have a nervous breakdown.

"It's very nice to meet you Ms. Mills, Henry has also told me a lot about you." She went in for a hug, which I returned.

"Please honey, call me Regina. Let's have a seat shall we?" she pointed to neatly set table," I made lasagna, garlic bread, and fresh salad, I hope you like it," she smiled.

I think this will actually go great. I guess my judgement was clouded by all the,"She's nothing but a witch in a pantsuit", and then there's the,"She'll make your life miserable," and let's not forget the,"She should rot in hell".

I did the one thing you should never do, I judged a book by it's cover. I started to relax a bit and Henry was right by my side, with his hand on my thigh to keep me calm.

"This is amazing, Regina, thank you so much for having us," I sincerely smiled.

"Of course, dear, I can see how much Henry loves and cares about you, and you him, that's all I've ever wanted for him," she paused to look at Henry,"A happy ending."

That right there, made me feel so happy. I wanted to scream my head off, but for my sake, I kept it civil.

"Thank you so much, that means a lot to me," I turned to grab Henry's hand and looked back at Regina,"I could never ask for a better person to love than your son, he has honestly treated me like a queen, I love him with all of my heart."

Henry looked at me like he always did, his head tilted a bit to the side, pupils dilated, eyes sparkling like they always did, and that famous smirk on his face and I almost melted.

"I love you, Y/N," he gave me a quick kiss and turned to Regina," Mom, thank you so much, I'm so happy that you two got along so well, I love you both so much, you'll always be my queens."

After dinner and dessert, Henry and I helped clean up until we had to go.

"Again, thank you so much Regina, everything was amazing," I hugged her.

"It was no trouble dear, hope you both come back again soon," she hugged Henry and he chuckled,"With food like that, anytime Mom."

"Goodnight," she waved as we walked down the street.

Henry grabbed my hand and slowed down a bit,"See, that wasn't so bad, was it?" he smirked.

"No, it was great, I was over exaggerating, I loved it," I smiled as he pulled me in for a warm bear hug,"And what I said back there, I meant every word Henry, I know it's only been 2 months but, I am so in love with you, Henry Mills-Swan."

"And I with you, Y/N Y/L/N, you're my everything, I don't know what I'd do without you."

And in that moment, as we stood in the fresh October breeze, everything was perfect. There was no drama, no curses, no spells, no dark ones, just the boy
I loved keeping me safe in his arms.

It was absolutely perfect.




Thank you so much to everyone who has voted, commented, and added my story to your library, it really does mean a lot.

I love you guys, as always requests are open and I'm still working on a few that were requested.

Don't forget to Comment and Vote❗️

As always, much love - S

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