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Another chapter!  go go go!

I and Jungkook was walking home when someone ran, chatching up with us. He grabbed Jungkook's shoulder and smile. I was frozed. It was Kim Taehyung. Wow!

"Jungkook-ah. Can i join you?" he said, showing his rectangular smile. I tried to kept my fangirling side, not showing any sign of fangirl. Jungkook looked at me. But i didn't look back because im scared my fangirling side will burst out when i looked at Taehyung who was walking beside him.

"em ya. what's the harm isn't? join us." Jungkook smiled. But its look like he was worried. Worried of what?
We arrived at my house's gate. I huged Jungkook and enter my house without looking at Taehyung.I ran up to my room, took a pillow and screamed on it. I sighed. It was tired to kept that fangirl side away tho.

"Jungkook-ah. Can i join you?" he said, showing his rectangular smile. I gulped. I saw Hee Joo's expression. She was trying hard to keep her fangirl side away infront of Taehyung. "em ya. what's the harm isn't? join us." i smiled. A worried smile. What if Taehyung fell for her? Or will trying to get close to her after this?aihh..   
Taehyung smiled too and we walked to Hee Joo's house together.Hee Joo was silent along the walk. Only me and Taehyung talking, laughing. When we arrived at Hee Joo's house, she hug me as usual and just left into the house without even looking at taehyung. She was tired hahaha.
"she's your girlfriend eh?" Taehyung asked, curiously.

"N-no. She just my best friend or should i say my sister. Em little sister." i smiled, awkwardly. i knew this question will come. He nodded and smile, looking at the road.
I threw myself on my bed. He likes her! He likes her! Aih jinjja! Tomorrow is Saturday so its a free day. Suddenly a notisfication pops out from my phone.
"Lets go out tomorrow!"-HeeJoo
"to where?"-Jungkook
"your heart."-Hee Joo
aih this girl really likes to give me pickup lines. my heart fluttered tho.
"Shopping complex."-Hee Joo.
"alright. im gonna pick you up.Not going there with your bicycle! "-Jungkook
"arasseo. at 10 okay?anyeong! xoxo"-Hee Joo.
Wait whut? Hee Joo? shopping complex?

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