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Hee Joo pov

I knocked the car's window and mom slides it down.
"Can we send my friend to his house?" I asked and mom nodded.

Taehyung and i sat at back passanger's seat, silently.

"You must've be someone special for her." Suddenly mom broke the silence.

"No his not." I awkwardly spoked.

"What is your name young man?" My mom asked Taehyung.

"Kim-" Taehyung gave me a glare.
"You're mother asked me. And not her daughter." I rolled my eyeballs and looked out the window.

"Kim. Kim Taehyung, aunty."

"So you'll be Kim Hee Joo?" Mom giggled. Taehyung laughed and looked at me.

'Tell her that we got nothing. We are just friends' She mouthed to me. I smirked and looked infront.

"Maybe, one day, auntie." Taehyung spoked and my eyes grew wide. the hell did he said?  I stepped on his shoe and raised my eyebrow.

"son, i'm sorry but we need to buy some groceries at the supermarket. Is it okay for you?" Mom asked at looked at him.

"i'm okay. I'll just follow , em you- aunty-"

"mom would be great." Mom said and smiled.

"No, you can't. Mom, you're my mom, not his."

"But he'll be my son. Son-in-law." I rolled my eyeball and pouted.

We arrived at the supermarket and we took a troly. Mom asked us to search of dry-groceries while she search for the wet one.

"Marjarine, mozarella cheese, flour-" I said without looking at the list that mom gave. 

"Things that you stated are not in here. " he said and lifted the list.

"I want to bake some dessert." I said and took them.

"You like to bake?"

"em kind of. i want to bake my own wedding cake."

"Then i'll wait for my wedding cake"
"I won't bake your wedding cake okay?"

"My wedding cake is yours too. oh, or should i say our wedding cake? "

We walked to the vegetables area. There was spinach in the list. I saw Taehyung took other type of Vegetable and placed it in the troly. I took it and placed it back on it shelf.

"Why? Its spinach." He said and about to take it back. I held his arm.
"No, its not spinach. Spinach is like.....  this." I took spinach that was few trays away from the place we stood.

"No-" I placed my index finger on his lips to shut him up. He awkwardly removed my finger and his cheeks was flushed to red in colour. He was blushed. i chuckled lightly. Suddenly he held my hand. I was kind of nervous. My heart fluttered and butterflies flew happily in my stomach. I just let it be. I like it.

We strolled around the supermarket and found what we searched. We held hands for the whole time. People  looked at us and kind of smile.  i heard thing like "Ommo, they are so sweet," “It suits them," and more.

Our troly bumped lightly on someone's troly.

"Ah, mianhae." Taehyung and i apologised , our hand still linked comfortly.

It was Hyeri. She had a crush on Taehyung. But Taehyung never liked her. She looked at our hand that was linked and i tried to removed Taehyung's hand but he gripped mine tighter. I looked at him but he just looked at Hyeri.

"are you guys dating?"

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