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Kim Taehyung Pov

I grabbed Hee Joo hand and led her towards the canteen. But then i sae Chanyeol and so did Hee Joo. I tried to stopped Hee Joo from went to Chanyeol but he pulled me instead.I sighed. She was going to invite Chanyeol to join us when suddenly i gripped her wrist tighter. She looked at Chanyeol and smiled awkwardly. Chanyeol said that he wanted to go to Toilet so we went to our own ways.

I bought hotdogs for Hee Joo and lolipops for me. We sat together, spending our time together. By spending time together, i attracted to her, i thought.

I took out my lolipops and about to unwrap it.

"I want one." Hee Joo said and about to take one from my hand. I swung my hand away and pouted. I even mouthed 'no!  this is mine.'

She narrowed her eyebrow and looked away. Suddenly Chanyeol came and stood behind of our seat.

"Want one?" He offered me a lolipop. He bought three of it.

"No thanks. I got it too." I said and smiled.

"Then give it to me." Hee Joo said and about to take the lolipop from Chanyeol's hand. I held her wrist, again.

"Here. Take this.Take mine  ." I spoked, looked away. Hee Joo was puzzled, i thought. She nodded and smiled. Chanyeol cleared his throat and walked away from us.

"Whats wrong?" She asked.
"You give me. This.Suddenly" she said and raised the lolipop. I ignored her.

"You're jealous aren't you?" She asked and made her cheek closer to mine. Anxiousness was surrounding me.

Our turn had came. We stood up confidently but of course we were nervous.  I stood up and so did Hee Joo. We changed our looked and smiled nervously. I didn't knew why but i took her hands and held them tight. Its cold. 
"Good Luck." I whispered to her left ear and she smiled.
"You too." We hugged and it was a warm hug. I comforted her by patted her shoulder and messed her hair.
"Ya! Stop it!" She said and pouted. She's cute.

We won the second place and proud of it. We did our best so we were grateful. We got back to school safely. My mom was one of the school's teacher. she asked MsLee to send me home but Ms Lee was nowhere to be seen.

"Why are you still here?" Hee Joo asked me, at the canteen.
"I don't really feel good. i asked My mom to pick me up but she asked MsLee to send me home. Ms Lee can't be found here. Now. Hehe" I chuckled tiredly. I'm not that good, i felt dizzy and pain was all over my body.

"My mom gonna pick me up too. Wanna join me? I can send you home. " She said and smiled, her dimples revealed. She looked at me and place her palm on my cheeks.

"Its like you're getting fever... " she said and looked away, kinda thought of something.

"But can you mother-"

"No buts. Just follow me okay? i won't kill you. don't worry." She said and patted my head. I stood up and abour to walked when suddenly he pushed me back to the seat.

"where do you want to go?  let me follow you.You can't be alone now." She spoked with a worried looked at her face.

"I want to go to toilet. Wanna follow?" I said and led her towards the boys restroom. She pulled her hand and pouted.
"you have 5 minutes to do your business." She said and walked back to the canteen. I laughed because of her childish side. i like her. 

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