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I was awake by my phone alarm's. Aihh..its 8a.m.
"Hee Joo! your bodyguard is here!"My mom shouted from downstairs. Bodyguard? me and my morning face come down and saw a guy.
"ya! its too early! see?" i showed my morning face and me in my pyjamas. He stood up and grabbed my wrist, making me followed him up the stairs and to my bedroom.
"now, take your shower." he laid on my bed. Aigoo this boy. I went to the bathroom and took my shower. but my face cleanser was finished! 
"Jungkook-ah! can you do me a favour?"
"Ya! why is everyone always look at you? eeeeeee!" i said, annoyed.
"I don't even know why so don't put the blame on me. its yours." Jungkook smirk.
"whuttt? why? we're talking about you"
"you've never been to a shopping complex and they see you like an alien." Jungkook pinched my nose lightly. i was just pouted and we enter a restaurant. We sat at the corner of the restaurant maybe because it is comfortable.
"Wah i always remember" jungkook said while covering his face with his palm.
"remember what?"
"what happened in the house, " Jungkook's face was still covered with his palm.

Flashback started

"Jungkook-ah! can you do me a favour?" i slides the door revealing only my head.Jungkook was laid on the bed but he got up immediately.
"go downstairs, ask mom to take my new face cleanser in the cupboard. Take it from her and give it to me." i said. He just stood still. "REAL FAST" and then he started the duty. duty? whatever.

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