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"Your sister talked about your past life. Red hair? Dimples?" Chanyeol said, looking at me and smiled, revealed his dimples. My eyes grew wider and i buried my face on his chest. i was totally blushed! 

"Unnie!" I stood up and walked towards her. She just laughed. "Its our past life isn't? So no more story to be told." i half shouted-whispered at her left ear. She pushed me lightly and giggled.

"You guys know what, that guy name is......." I covered her mouth using my palm. But her mouth escaped successfully!

"Kim Taehyung!"

Song Shinhye POV

Hee Joo covered my mouth, didn't let me to talk. I removed her hand and laughed. She kept on pushed me and pintched me and held my arm. This kid, she's never been better.

I looked at the student's nametag. And i saw a new. Nice name.

"Kim Taehyung!" Everyone looked shocked. I laughed so did others.  But only Hee Joo, Taehyung and Chanyeol didn't.
"No no no. I'm just joking. The person is not him.Sorry,boy.I just chose the name randomly from your nametag.Don't worry," I laughed. Hee Joo pouted and walkes back to her place, which was beside Chanyeol. I saw Taehyung  looking at Hee Joo.  But she didn't realised it.

I leaded them well, i thought. It seems like they liked me. I always told them about Hee Joo and I past. Hee Joo pouted and sometimes laughed when i reminded her about our past habbits.

"Okay, i wanna tell something. Its for your life. I mean, future. You guys will have wife, husband and children. So you need to know this," I smiled. I saw Taehyung was looking at Hee Joo for the whole time. Lately, he always fought with Hee Joo. Each practice time!  But they looked good together.

"First, to boys. When you got married, don't ever think of 'divorce' word. Love you wife," I was about to continued it when Hee Joo's voice was heard.

"Kim Taehyung-ssi!  Listen to it carefully. Don't be a jerk when you grown up." Hee Joo mocking-jokingly said. She chuckled. Taehyung looked at her and showed a fist to her. She smiled and gave a glare then she laughed.

"Stop it, aih you guys...," i looked at Hee Joo and she grinned. “For girls, be a good wife. You need to have cooking skills. Don't be like Hee Joo-ssi. And love your husband too." I laughed.  "You guys have grown up. You guys should be called man and women.But boys and girls are better for me." I smiled.

"Waw, I thought HeeJoo got a high cooking skill~ Her husband will love her so much!" Taehyung shouted, looking at Hee Joo who was talking to Chanyeol. Hee Joo was shocked when she heard her name was mentioned and got up so did Taehyung.

"Of course my husband love me so much. My husband is a good person. Not like you ,okay?" Hee Joo stepped closer to Taehyung.
Taehyung whispered something to her ear and she looked awkward. She was frozed.

"Okay okay. stop it. Practice ends here. Lets meet tomorrow."

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