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"What if i'm your husband?" he whispered. I was frozed. I couldn't move even an inch. Shinhye unnie cleared her throat and said,

"Okay okay. stop it. Practice ends here. Lets meet tomorrow." 

Suddenly he gripped my wrist and pulled me towards the canteen.

"Just follow me."
"Let me tell Chanyeol-"
"No need to"

By that,  we sat at a place, end of the canteen. We sat face to face and i looked at him. From his eyes, nose and lips, perfect.

"What do you want to eat? let me buy it for you?" Taehyung waved his hand few inches from my face. I still looked at him, didn't realised anything. He made his face closer to mine, untill i felt his breath. Basically, i really like it. But i was maybe shocked? My jaw automatically droped I covered my mouth using my palm, backed off a little bit from him. It was too clumsy, maybe?

"What are you doing...." I whispered.  I was unable to be mad or what.Just frozed by what he had done.

"I asked you what do you want to eat." He said and sat back.
" Burger?"
"you'll get fat if you eat burger everyday. "
"How did you-"
"Suits myself. Don't be too busybody, kid."

How did he knew that i ate burger everyday? Am i that fat?

"When you're with me, salad is your food." He spoked, looking at me and went to buy the salad for us, maybe? 

"No, I won't eat." He placed a bowl of salad, served for 2 person infront of me, on the table, between us. I looked at the salad and looked away.
"You have to."
"No i won't!" I said, half shouted.
"Then i won't eat too." He said and stood, about to bring and throw the salad into the dustbin.
"Why? you bought it. Just eat it. I don't like vegetables. You love vegetables so eat it."
"No means no. How do you know i love to eat vegetables?" He asked. I smirked.
"Suits myself. Don't be too busybody, kid."


I didn't knew why but i felt comforted when we were together. I mean Me and Taehyung, you know? fought and laughed together. I forgot that i hate him. Well, lets be friend, Kim Taehyung.

We sat at the field. I hugged my knees and smiled. I liked the grass. Its colour was good, 

"How's Jungkook?" Taehyung asked.
"He's in a relationship with Ahreum, Ahreum told me that lately, They can't have a date in weekends. Jungkook said he need to do some work." I sighed. 

"Do you want to know what work he does?" He spoked, looking at me and our eyes met.I nodded.
"What if i tell you that i'm going to be an idol?"
"Really? Stop making me look like a fool, Taehyung." I chuckled, looked away. But then, our eyes met back. They were connected. We were connected to each other, that's what i can say. 
"I'm serious. We all are trainees.  including Jeon Jungkook. Your best friend." He spoked and i was shocked. What? Oh, thats the reason why Jungkook was not free on weekend?
"We're going to debute next 2 weeks." He said and grinned.
"Wow so i have an idol as my friend, eh?" I said and laughed.  i pushed him lightly using my shoulder. We sat very close, you know?

"chukkahae~ (congrats)" i said and he hugged me. We had a warm hug. I like it.

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