Chapter 23

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  • Dedicated to Rachel Fisher- for loving this story first.

The ride from the Hostiban Castle to the City Square only lasted about 10 minutes. But when you were about to die, time really slowed down and got you to think. Or at least that's what Rebeckah discovered. After she had extrcated herself from the wallow of tears she was drowning in, thoughts in her head flew around and bounced off the walls of her noggin. The thoughts varied in range from mundane things like, I wonder what my hair looks like. I don't want to look a fool when I'm only just a head. To dreadful thoughts like I never even got to save Regnum. I never got to kiss Damon on the lips. I never got to tell Rupert and James how much I love them and how much they meant to me. And also the only thing that made her spirit halfway bright; At least I'll get to be with Dad.

Thoughts of I wish I would have and What if...tortured her for what seemed like an hour. They weren't allowed to speak, because Icarus was watching over them intently. Though judging by the pale white faces Rupert and James bore, same traumatizd and regretful expression that Rebeckah too had scriblled on her face, they were all thinking similar thoughts of lament. 

They arrived to the city square. A ginormous church stood over the city square, which was quite ironic that the guillotines were standing right in front of it, as if to broadcast just what hypocrites all the Hostibans were. Houses and shops surrounded the square. A giant statue, similar in structure to the Washington Monument towered over it all. It read, "To commemorate the firce soldiers who died puting the Regnumese land in our hands." In every vacant spot there were throngs of people, all laughing, jeering, waving Hostiban flags and parting as the carriage made its way up to the platform with the guillotines. 

Once the carriage stopped, Icarus beamed at them the same way he did when he was tortring Rebeckah. "Don't try to pull a fast one, silly children. Your parents knew all too well how that went when they were in similar situations." This caused Rupert to snarl in anger. Icarus stepped out of the carriage, and when he did so, they could hear the crowd cheer in jubilation.

Rebeckah looked out the window, and she could see Icarus mount the platform, smile evilly, and pull his wand out of his pocket. He must've used the Torter Igula spell, because he began to talk into his wand like a microphone, and it broadcasted his sly voice to the square."Thank you, Thank you my faithful subjects. We have amassed here today to witness the bloody murder of terrible and disgusting criminals from Regnum. Their feeble minds attempted to stand up to us, to steal our diamond of strength." The crowd booed and roared with indignation. "Yes, yes I know. Since we have to need for their filth, we decided it was best to execute them."

The door to the carriage swung open, and a giant Minotaur garbbed all three by the ropes around their necks. They were lead like cattle up to the platform. The throngs of people bellow and howled in resentment, at their worst enemies faces. Some even spat lugies at them, while others stuck their middle fingers in the air.

The Minotaur shoved them to the ground so their faces scratched unrulily  against the hard wood. Once they were back on their feet they were placed right next to King Azazel, who sat idlely on his throne, smirking cruelly over their deaths. This was to ensure that the trio didn't try to escape. The guillotine was large, and Rebeckah thought, though not in full realization, that it was large enough for a person it wiggle their way ou of.  They were all placed in line, Rebeckah being first.  Meaning that she was first to die, first to have her head chopped off, and first go go home to Dad. For the last mentioned, she was grateful.

Icarus continued to go on, spewing rubbish about the Supreme Hostiban Era's greatness, how no one could even attempt to oppose them, and more about what filth every Regnumese person was. Rebeckah wasn't listening. Still more of the thoughts she was thinking in the carriage flooded into her brain. Olympia, Alecto and the rest of the Court will know to carry on our mission, and to not let our death's hinder making our goals. And my death will still be short and as easy as dying can be. But she couldn't be so sure. At least I can say I tried my best. That I put all my effort into it, and didn't go down without a fight. I was brave, I did look death in the eye but not without giving it a punch in the face first. I died for something,which means, I can say I really lived.

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