chapter 5

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We are now on our way back and the closer we get the more nervous I become. I'm not scared for myself, I'm more scared for Penny and Henry. I'm worried they will get hurt trying to protect me. We have been driving for a while now when we come to the worst place on earth. My personal hell. We drive up the all to familiar driveway up to the house I once called home. We get out of the car and not surprisingly no one is around to greet us. We walk up to the door and I'm now starting to shake.

"Don't be worried" Henry says.

"Please don't fear you have us now there is nothing to worry about," Penny says smiling down at me . I try smile back but it comes out as more of a grimace.

"Thank you again for everything but I guess we should get this over with huh?" I ask more to myself.

I finally knock on the door and I hear booming footsteps coming from behind it. I was about to cower and hide behind Penny when I hear Lyla in my head.

" Be strong, you can do this. Penny and Henry will help. Get your head up your back straight and do not let them get you down no matter what. Before you get my girls I need you to look inside your old mattress. Inside is what you need to get them out. Now go and give them hell when your ready." Lyla says but what does she mean by give them hell when I'm ready.

Without giving me time to think it over the door opens and he opens the door. My personal hell on two legs, Mr Waikley.

" Good afternoon how can I...You ,what are you doing here? Shouldnt you be in an unmarked grave somewhere?" He says once again like I am nothing.

" Well you see sir the ambulance was called to pick up a deceased teen but on arrival to the hospital I found she was indeed alive and saved her life. it is a miracle she survived at all." Henry answered before I had a chance to.

" You should have let this thing die, trust me she wasn't worth it. Now what does she owe you?" Mr Waikley asks.

" She owes us nothing however you owe her at least an apology." Henry says now getting angry.

" Ha an apology? an apology for what, not killing her sooner?" Henry who is now shaking with anger turns away from Mr Waikley and takes deep breaths.

"HOW DARE YOU, YOU WANKER. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU ARE SAYING? WHAT HAS THIS BEAUTIFUL CHILD EVER DONE TO YOU TO DESERVE YOUR CRUEL WORDS?" Penny yells which shocks me. I never thought she would be able to yell like that she is such a sweet lady. As she turns to look at me I notice her eyes. They are a shimmering green with crystal blue specks through them. That's weird I thought her eyes are brown as well. 

Mr Waikley turns to me and grabs me by the hair pulling me away from my friends. I close my eyes as he is about to punch me but instead of feeling the impact of his fist, I feel him let go of my hair. I open my eyes and Henry has Mr Waikley by his throat up against the wall.

" Go and get what we are here for so we can be on our way please dear." Henry says calmly to me but looks at Mr Waikley with so much hatred that it scares me. I run down to the basement or my room. As I get to the bottom of the stairs I can hear crying. I turn the one light that I have down here on to see where the noise is coming from.

" Chrissy, is that you?" I hear a tired, fragile voice ask.

" Yes it's me" I answer. I walk towards where the crying is coming from and see the twins huddled in the corner of the room. They run over to me and I am disgusted by what I see. They are so skinny like they havent been fed for weeks, they have bruises all over them. Kaylee has a black eye so bad that she can't open it at all and Lacey has a broken arm that has been left to heal naturally.

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