chapter 12

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There is dense smoke all around me. It is that thick that I could barely breathe.  The first thing I think to myself is where did the smoke come from and then secondly was I need to get out of here.  Looking round I can not see the source of the smoke. It's then that I notice that there isnt much of anything around. There is no one with me. I realise then that I am alone.

"Jared." I call out. I start to tremble not hearing an answer. I start to make my way to the door slowly. I cover my mouth so that I don't breathe in too much smoke.

As I near the bedroom door, I can hear thumping out in the hall.

"Jared?" I call out in a loud whisper, tears making their way down my cheeks.

I open the door and gasp. All that I can see on the walls, the floor and even the roof is blood. Blood everywhere.

I cover my mouth while I cry silently just in case they are still here. I start to make my way down the hall slipping on the pools of blood as I go. I make it near the stairs and I see a body on the ground at the body. I silently make my way down the stairs and as I near the bottom of course there is a loud ccrrreeeaaak as I put my weight on the last stair. I freeze where I am using my hearing to see if anyone is here. I make my way over to the body and what I see makes me scream out in terror.

"Aaarrgghhhhhhhh." Whoever this is I cannot tell where their face ahould be is just a gapping hole. Their entire body is scratched up and their insides are on the outside.

I am nearly sick at the nasty sight in front of me. I keep moving through the house towards the front door trying to avoid the blood. What ever happened here must have been bad. How on earth did I sleep through this. I make it to the living room and everything is broken and ripped up. Blood stretches from doorway to doorway and roof to floor. I am now vigorously shaking thinking that there is still someone here. I finally make it to the door. I pull it open and take a deep breathe to see if I can pick up anyone's scent. all I can smell is dirt, blood and the nasty sewerage smell of rouges.  I try to pick up Jared's scent but it isn't here. It's like everyone from in the house disappeared. 

I step outside and brace myself against the wall. I argue with myself on whether I should run or not. The cold wind makes me want to stay put but my body has other ideas. My legs start moving on their own and the next thing I am barreling through the woods.

The twigs of the trees and the rocks on the ground start to cut into my skin but I keep running. I am nearly at the edge of the border to our territory. I stop and turn around to see if anyone else has made it this far but there is still no one.

I let out one last sad breath and turn back around to keep running.

As I take one step before the border a thunderous growl rips through the air and I feel a weight on my back.

"I love you Jared" is my last thought as darkness takes over.

Sorry it's short and I promise to upload again as soon as I can.

Remember to VOTE, COMMENT OR FAN if you like.

Sorry if there are any mistakes.

Much Luv


P.S I would also like to thank everyone who has voted Rejected, ha now look at me has reached 200 votes and over 5000 readers. I hope everyone is enjoying reading this book.


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