chapter 14

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It is now 12.00 pm and I am here standing in the most reveling outfit I have ever worn. All I have on is a sports bra and  a pair of leggings. Even though Jared says that I will be able to move easier in this than in tracksuit pants, which is what I wanted to wear mind you, I feel uncomfortable as everyone can see all the scars I have been given over the years.

I make my way outside to the training area beside the house where Jared is already standing waiting for my arrival with Shrek.

I spot Jared checking me out as I am walking. As his eyes move lower a noticable change in his look has me rooted to the spot.

Suddenly a look of fury takes over his face as i walk towards him.His eyes began to turn red as I move closer. Scared of what i could have done i freeze on the spot. Jared flashes in front of me so fast the wind from his movement makes my hair fly up. I can't help but flinch at the action. I raise my hands in defence and fall to my knees shaking in fear that he is going to hit me or hurt me like they did.

As I wait for the blow im shocked that nothing has happened yet. Just asI am about to look up to see what is going on I'm lifted from my knees by strong arms and from the tingles i know it's  Jared. I keep my head down afraid of what is going to happen.

"Please never be afraid of me." Jared whispers in my ear while holding me to his chest. I begin to calm slightly but I don't know why he is so angry.

As if he could read my mind he says,

"I am not angry at you. I am furious at those things you call a family would do this to you. When i saw the scars as you came closer all I could see was red. How dare someone touch what is mine like this."

I throw my arms around his neck and hold him close in an attempt to calm him down. I feel him start to calm down and let go of my grip so I can pull back so i can look him in the eyes.

"Are you o.k?" I ask while running my hands down his arms. His eyes begin to turn back to their normal colour and i feel him completely calm down.

"I am now. I'm sorry i frightened you." He says and closes his eyes.

Finally understanding what has caused his reaction i move to cover my stomach with my hands.

"If it makes you feel better i will put a shirt on." I say quietly.

As i go to move Jared slips his shirt off over his head and holds it out in front of me. I freeze at the sight of his body and stare at how perfect and flawless he is. I begin to feel self conscious that I will never be as beautiful as he is and move to take the shirt.

"Don't take this the wrong way but you are beautiful scars and all. I am only giving you my shirt because you still feel like you need to hide. Soon enough you will be strong enough to wear your scars with pride. Soon enough you will realise that your scars are your strength and symbolise that everything you have been through has not been for nothing."

I take the shirt and slip it on over my head.

"O.k now that the drama is over, let's get started shall we." Shrek says clapping his hands together and a big smile on his face. He moves forward and grabs a hold of my hand. This of course causes Jared to growl very loud and rips me away from him.

"Is he always like this or has he became like this recently? I mean I'm really starting to worry man. I mean you know I'm not going to touch her like that I mean ew." Shrek asks.

He turns to look at me.

"No offence. I mean how am I supposed to help train her if everytime I touch her I earn myself a growl from you or worse, be beaten to a pulp? Shrek looks smugly at Jared.

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