chapter 4

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I wake up to the sun streaming right in to my face. I stretch my arms and back and hop out of bed to have shower and get ready for the day. I jolt my head up as I realise im going back today. I really dont want to think about it yet so I turn my attention to my shower. I adjust the water to the right temperature and hop in. I have to remember to ask Penny where she buys this shower gel from so I can buy some before I leave.

"Are we really finally leaving?" Josie basically yells at me through my mind. You cant half tell shes excited to go. She growls in my head at my thought and I just laugh at her.

"Im allowed to be excited, we are finally leaving this shit hole, no offense to Penny and Henry, they have helped us alot, but mostly getting away from them."

"Thats true" I say sadly.

"Please tell me you are not sad about leaving. Those people, no not people, things treated you like shit and hurt you to the point they nearly killed us."

"No,I am definitely not upset that we're leaving. I'm sad that we are going to be leaving Penny and Henry behind."

"Ohhh," is all she says before blocking me off from her.
Knock Knock

"Chrissy are you up dear?"

"Yep I was just about to head downstairs."

"Ok ill see you down there In a minute." she sounds so sad when she says this.

I take one last look in the mirror and sigh. I then head downstairs to talk to Penny.
I look at the clock on the way down and see that its nearly lunchtime already. Penny must have let me sleep in. She understands how hard today is going to be.
I make my way to the living room and see she is already sitting on the couch waiting for me. I sit down in front of her and get a good look at her. Her face is tear stained like she has been crying all day. Her eyes are red and puffy as well which makes me believe she has been.

"I know what your going to say Chrissy. I just wish you didnt have to go yet."

"I know but I have to go back to get something before I leave there for good."

"Why dont you come back here once you have what you need?"

"Because if they ever wanted to find me, here is too close. I dont want him to hurt you or Henry just to get to me."

"I thought you would say something like that." Penny says with a teary smile.

"Dont worry ill write to you and let you know I am ok."

"I know it just wont be the same." She says starting to cry.
As she is crying I hear a car pull up outside. I go and have a look out the window to see who it is. To my surprise its Henry. He should be at work shouldnt he? I mean ever since I met him he works all day and night  at the hospital. i have heard him come in late and then leave early. As he gets to the door he stiffens then nearly breaks the door down trying to get in. He rushes over to Penny and asks her what happened. He turns to look at me and I gasp when I see his eyes. For a split second his eyes were a sparkly clear blue. But when he blinks again they're brown again. Did I just imagine that. I must have. Penny looks to Henry and smiles.

" Im sad because Chrissy is going back to her pack to get something she left."
Henry looks at me and he doesnt look too happy.

"You're just going to go back there after everything they have put you through?"

"im only going back for a little while then ill be leaving for good. I dont plan to stay there."

"And what if they dont let you leave? They think they already killed you once what makes you think that they wont try again now that your still alive?"

Rejected,  Ha Now look at me :-PWhere stories live. Discover now