Chapter 15

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I open my eyes and once again it is dark. I smell burning again and look around me to see where the fire is. Jared is still laying next to me with his eyes closed. I try to move my hand to wake him up but I am tied down.
Why can't I move? Is all that is running through my head.

Suddenly I hear the most menacing laugh come from next to me. It is the most evil thing I have ever heard. I turn my head towards the sound. All I see is a shadow.

"Nice try but I am not ready for you to see me yet." The shadow says. Obviously it's a man but I can not tell the voice from anywhere.
"You really do look just like her." He says grabbing my face in his cold hand. It is really terrifying having someone standing over you when you can't see who they are.
"Wh..who do i look like? I ask sounding a lot braver than what i feel.
"Why your mother of course. She was the most beautiful woman i had ever seen." He replies.
"She was good at hiding you though, it has taken me all these years to finally find you. When those idiots the Waikley's lost you i thought you were gone for good but no no no. You just had to come across your mate again."

"Again what do you mean? I on.."

"Do not interupt." I felt a stinging in my cheek where his hand connected with my face.
"Now where were we?" He asks while rapping a shadowy finger against what I am assuming is the side of his face.
"That's right you came across your mate again. As soon as you felt his presence I found you. It was like a firework going off in my head. They tried so hard to keep you away from each other but I guess fate came in the end. It brought you all the way here to his side."
He chuckles to himself before looking down. I begin to move my fingers. I can feel warmth where there was nothing but coldness before.
"No not yet." He says and then begins to drift away from me.
"How do you know me?" I ask wearily feeling the warmth begging to run up my legs.
"What do you want from me?"
"Firstly you don't need to know how I know you yet. As for what I want from you, well that should be obvious..."
He takes a breath before moving closer so that i can feel his breath which stinks like rotten flesh right by my ear.
"I want your power."
He drifts off into the darkness and I am left to wonder what that was all about. Suddenly everything starts to shake.

I feel like I am in an earthquake that's how hard Iwas being shaken. I could feel the bed moving underneath me. I open my eyes and Jared is holding me in his arms shaking me.

He notices my eyes open and kisses me hard on the lips. I kiss him back and then pull away for some air.
"What happened? You were asleep then all of a sudden you were thrashing around. I had to hold you down i was afraid you would hurt yourself." He kisses me on the forehead then pulls back to look me over for injuries. He looks at my cheek longer than necessary.
"What happened to your face? There is a handprint there."

I sat up and told him everything that the man said leaving out the part where he hit me. Thinking I managed to get away with not telling him he gives me a look and says,

"That still doesn't explain the hand print."
I told him it didn't matter but he didn't want to let it go. After a long conversation I told him everything. He wasn't as angry as i thought he would be. He walks out the door and then yells out to Penny to come as fast as she can.
Penny rushes into the room, looks between us then says to Jared,
"He got through didn't he?
Jared just nods and sits by my side.
"What do you mean he got through? Do you know who it is?" I ask trembling thinking that they have been hiding this from me since the beginning.
"I only just found out recently." Jared says answering my question.
"Found out what, what is going on?"
I am now officially confused.

"Now is not the right time. Just know you need to work as hard as you can in training, become as strong as you can be and Jared you need to work with her not against her through everything."
"But I a.."
"Don't but in i know you are always with her but she needs to begin training in fighting." Penny says eyeing him suspiciously. I dud notice him stiffen when she said fighting and i guess that is where he is against me.
"No I can protect her she doesn't need to get hurt fighting." He says with a smile on her face.
"Ok but what if , let's just say he sends everything he has here and manages to get past you. Would you rather her be able to fight and win against him or wait hidden and die because she can not protect herself?"

She seems to have hit the nail on the head because his smirk faulters and he looks wide eyed at me.
"Ok. I'll train her." Jared says defeated. Penny of course looks like christmas has come early.
"No you need to train her mentally. Your friend Shrek is it? He will be the one to train her in fighting."
"Who said my name?" The devil himself appears around the door.

"You my dear gets to train young Chrissy here in fighting." Penny says cheerfully.
Shrek's eyes light up. He look at me, claps and rubs his hands together and grins evilly.
"When do we start?"
To be honest., i am now utterly shitting myself thinking about how much he can hurt me.
"Don't get ahead of yourself. Get one scratch on any part of her body and you will have me to answer to." Jared says growling.

"Ok. Ok but what happens is she puts a scratch on me? You know your best friend through thick and thin. What happens then?" Shrek asks pouting.
I chuckle slightly. He is giving puppy dog eyes as well.

"Well in that case..."
Jared trails off as if in deep thought.
Shrek's jaw drops open.
"Your seriously going to allow her to attack me?" He asks offended.
"Yep. But i will be watching to make sure your not being too rough."
Shrek rolls his eyes but agrees to Jared's "terms" of training me. I swear anyone would think I am made of glass and can shatter at any second.

"So we are agreed then, Shrek will do all things combat and Jared will train in extra things?" Penny asks while nodding.
"I guess so. Jared agrees unhappily. I laugh and kiss him on the cheek.
"I will be fine. Just think if he hurts me....."
Jared smiles brightly. Shrek takes a step back eith his hands up in surrender.
"Hey i haven't done anything yet." Shrek says.
Jared nods at him and the runs his thumb across his throat.
"That's for when it does happen."
Shrek's eyes widen and he takes off down the hall with his tail between his legs. Of course not before shouting out,
"See you bright and early sissy."
I shake my head and smile. The smile doesnt last long as i realise what he has just said.
Penny walks out muttering under her breath to herself something about him getting through something. I just ignored her and laid down back in bed with Jared. After all the excitment i have only just noticed it's only 1:00 in the morning.

Jared pulls me into him, kisses my head and says,
"I am only agreeing to this because i love you too much to lose you."
My eyes close before i can say it back. I'll have to make sure i tell him how i truly feel tomorrow. I need to tell him before it's too late.

Sorry it's taken so long too update. I am trying but I have been really busy.
None of my chapters have been edited so mind the mistakes just read around them lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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