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'Weak!' The voice screamed

'pathetic' it screamed again and again.
Her hands on her ears just can't stop the voice

'Pathetic!' It yelled again this time louder, why did she have to fall so deep, she asked herself. She should have floated on the surface but NO she just had to go deeper

'Coward' the voice interrupted her thoughts 'useless' it spat at her.

Nothing could save her, scratching the of her head to pull it out, 'your weak' it was much louder than before.

Tears streaming down her face, blood spilling from her head 'please stop' she tried to tell the voice but it only came out as a whisper.

'Please stop' a bit louder she yelled. Her vision was blurry from the tears, her finger tips sour from the scratching.

'Foolish little girl' with bitterness in its voice

'You are nothing, pitiful, weak. You are nothing but a coward'

It kept on throwing bitter words at her, she dropped to the ground, hands on her bloody messy black hair, eyes swollen and blood red, no more energy to scream.

She laid at the bottom and watched herself crumble.

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