chapter 20

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Mark grabbed Jack, pulling him out of the man's grip and holding onto him, "Go the fuck away". the man stopped smiling, the man didn't look happy what so ever which scared jack more.

Mark held onto Jack really tightly, he was scared something might happen to Jack, he sighed, "Listen, can you please tell me what you are trying to do?". "m-mark, h-he wants m-me t-to dance w-with him" jack squeaked out, now normally jack would be happy to dance with someone but when the man whispered it in jack's ear, jack couldn't help but blush and feel fear crawl up his spine but that's what the man wanted... fear not dancing, he wanted to see fear in jack.

"Why?" Mark looked at the man for an answer.  the man simply smiled his creepy smile, "well, i saw him dancing at the bar and i was gonna ask him there but i saw you threatening a man so i decided to ask another time" he explained smiling. jack was shaking a bit as he stared at man

"Well, I don't think Jack wants to dance with you." Mark said. "n-no, its f-fine" jack said softly and unwrapped mark's arms from his waist and started walking toward the creepy smiling man.

Mark bit his lip, "Jack, no." He grabbed Jack's arm and gently pulled him back towards himself, "Listen, I'm not comfortable with my boyfriend dancing with another man and I don't feel like he's safe with someone like yourself, you should understand.". "i-i'm so s-sorry, mark b-but i h-have to" jack said stuttering a bit, he understood what mark was saying but he had too or this man might kill him or mark and jack can't let that happen.

Mark sighed, "Jack..." he bit his lip, worried, "...A-alright". jack nodded and walked toward the man, the man smiled more and wrapped his arm around jack's waist. sam and teddy saw this and ran over to the three.

Mark didn't like this at all. the man took his top hat off and put it on jack's head before the two started dancing.

Mark rolled his eyes, but kept an eye on both of them, in case the man did anything to Jack. jack couldn't look away from the man even if he wanted to, the man smiled as the two soon stop dancing. the man then smiled at mark before he pulled the hat down making it cover jack's whole body and let go of the hat and jack was gone.

(janyseptiplier:  Whaaaat) Mark's eyes widened and he panicked, he grabbed the man by the shirt, "Where is my boyfriend!?". (Me: magic trick! XD ) the man laughed and pulled away from mark, "hold on, teddy bear. you didn't let me finish. " he said smiling before he put the hat on the floor and pulled it up and jack appear in nothing but boxers, jack blushed madly and cover himself. "oops" the man said and pulled the hat down again and pulled up and jack was back in his clothes.

Mark practically tackled Jack into a hug. jack was shaking badly, he felt like he just saw hell itself, the man put his top hat back on and smiled, "well i have to leave, goodbye jack~" he said smiling and walked away.

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