chapter 56

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Mark snatched his hand away from Jack's butt and hissed in pain, his hand was bleeding, "Owie"He pouted. "mark, are you ok?!" jack asked worried. teddy walked from behind jack and walked over to sam looking proud of himself

Mark looked at his hand, the blood was running down his arm, "It stings..." He flinched. jack got off of mark and went to go get him a band-aid

Mark sat up and frowned, "Teddy, that hurt a lot.". teddy smiled and meowed as if to say, "i know"

"That's not a good thing, Ted. You can't just bite me out of nowhere. I get you were trying to protect Jack, but we were just playing around." Mark explained. teddy meowed as if saying, "but mommy doesn't like you doing that but you keep doing it so i thought i could make you stop".

Mark sighed and looked at his hand again. jack came back and sat next to mark on the bed, "let me see your hand" jack said softly

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