chapter 111

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Mark petted Marky's head softly. Marky leaned into the touch

Mark smiled and kissed Jack's cheek. Jack smiled and kisses marks nose. "Oh, wait! Hey marky, look at me" Jack said smiling. Marky turned to face jack, jack then poked Marky's nose making a 'HONK' sound.

Mark laughed and poked Marky's nose. Marky's nose made another honk noise.

Mark laughed, "How adorable". "I'm not adorable" marky said simply. Jack giggled and petted marky's head.

Mark smiled, "Okay..". Marky stuck his tongue out at mark

Mark stuck his tongue at Marky back. Jack giggled and playfully rolled his eyes. "Oh stop it you two" jack said playfully. This made marky suddenly stop and stare at jack as if waiting for something

Mark looked at Marky, then at Jack. Jack noticed marky staring and sighed, "you did this when I first turned you on" (Me: that sounded wrong! XD) jack muttered and waved his hand in marky's face, "marky," he called. Suddenly marky blinked his eye and looked around.

(janyseptiplier: Yessss. Daddy Jack) Mark looked at Marky, "What happened?". "He must of shut down or something" jack said simply. Marky looked at jack and walked up to him and hugged him.

Mark smiled at how cute it was. Marky let out a small whimper and hugged jack tighter, "aww did it scare you?" Jack asked. Marky nodded and let out a another small whimper

Mark petted Marky to comfort him. Marky calm down a bit and looked at mark and jack.

Mark smiled at Marky. Marky stared at mark for a bit before he looked at jack, "can you fix my bow tie?" He asked softly. Jack smiled and nodded and fixed marky's little bow tie. "Thank you" marky said

Mark would be lying if he said he didn't think that was adorable. Marky got up and walkes over to a spot between mark and jack and sits there

Mark smiled and realized he still didn't have a shirt on, "I'm gonna put on a shirt" . Jack nodded, "alright, Teddy bear~" he said smiling a bit

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