Chapter 2

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Brooklyn's POV

I finally woke up, with a excruciating headache. "What just happened?" I asked. "Well, I kissed you and you passed out." he said."Why did you kiss me if we just met? I asked. "You wanna know something about you?" he asked." I guess Justin." I said. "You ask too many question." he laughed "How do you think I'm going to college then?" I asked. "Oooh, I have myself a feisty girl." he chuckled. I blushed. "So how long have I been out?" I asked. "About 10 minutes. Not to long, right? I got scared a little bit." he answered back. "No wonder. I've never been kissed. You are my first kiss. Especially a guy like you. And eventually I'd wake back up Justin." I said. He looked surprised and confused. "A guy like me? What do you mean? So you're telling me I was your first kiss? A beautiful girl like you? Nah, you're lying. So? I was still scared that you would be out for a long time."he said. " What I mean by a guy like you, you are so flawless. Selena WAS lucky to have you. You're just absolutely perfect, everything about you is. A guy like you would also not like girls like me. I'm a small town girl. I'm not beautiful neither was lying. You are now my first kiss. Looks like I got a scare-D cat." I laughed.

"So you mean you're 18 years old, and had just now had you first kiss? And I'm not a scare-D cat either. He chuckled. "Yes, I'm 18 years old, and just had my first kiss. Nothing is wrong with that. I'm not just gonna give my first kiss to anyone. And yes you are." I said. "Oh, I didn't know that." he said. The room was silent for about 1 or 2 minutes. "Well, I have to go to the studio. Could I also have your number, so ya know... we can keep in touch?" he asked. I was trying to play it cool, I've never talked a PERFECT guy like this. My face turned red as always." Yeah, it'd be best if you leave before my mom comes home. And yes you can have my number so we can keep in touch." I mimicked him. I squinted my eyes while I typed my number into to his phone, because my head was still hurts. I later gave him his phone back. I gently guide him to the door where he stopped me.

"Uhh... could you go on a date with me tomorrow night at 9:00?" he asked. " CAN YOU LET ME BREATHE FOR A MINUTE, JUSTIN?" I asked. "Are you okay Brooklyn? What happened to you? What did I do to you?" he asked." Justin sweetheart, you did nothing to me. I'm fine. And no you didn't do anything to me. I'm just surprised that a PERFECT guy like you would ask a ugly girl like me to go on a date." I explained " Brooklyn honey, you're no where close to ugly. You're beyond beautiful." he explained. I blushed. " So is that a yes?" he asked." LORD YES, THAT'S A YES." I yelled. He laughed. " I guess it's set in stone. I'll see you tomorrow." he winked.

I then shut the door as I saw him get into his car and pull out of the driveway. I went over to the kitchen to find some Aleve to take. After all that my head was still hurting. I open up the bottle to take to 2 tablets out. I washed then down with my Gatorade. I decided not to eat any dinner because I wasn't that hungry. I walked up stair to my messy room full of boxes, laid on my bed, and went to sleep.

I woke up to a buzzing sound at 2'oclock in the morning. It was my phone. I had gotten a message from Justin just now. It read:

From: Justin 💍👫

Hey beautiful :) sorry I texted you so late. I just wanted to talk to you for a second. Text me when wake up princess. :)

I then sent him a text message that said:

Hello :) it's ok. The buzzing of my phone woke me up. You can call me right now handsome. :)

The brightness from the phone hurt my eyes. So I put it on sleep until Justin texted back. Within 2 minutes he texted me back.

From: Justin 💍👫

Well, I'm kinda outside waiting for you... So we can talk there.

I didn't text back. I quickly tiptoed downstairs, trying not to make a sound to wake up my parents. When I got to the door I quickly and gently open and shut the door. Keeping in my head to make little noise.

"Justin, what are you doing here? My parents would kill me if they found out you were here." I whispered. The coldest from the outside made me have goosebumps. I wrapped my jacket around me as much as I could to warm myself up. "I wanted to tell you face to face Brooklyn." he answered. "Tell me what Justin?!" I asked. "Um, will you be my girlfriend?" he smiled. I blushed. "Justin, I'm honored that you asked me. But no I can't. We just meet, I want to get to know more about you. Instead I'm learning about you in the magazine. I'm so sorry Justin." I said. I saw a tiny teardrop slip down his face. "Well I thought we could actually be something. I though you were different. You're just like the rest of them... Oh well. See you later Brooklyn..." he said sadly. "Wait, Justin!" I yelled. He walked off, with tears dropping down from his face. "I'm so sorry Justin." I whispered to myself "I'm sorry..."


Sorry guys, it took me so long to update. I was out Christmas shopping for my family and friends. But tell me what you guys think. I'm going to start putting Justin's POV soon, maybe like the next chapter or two. Vote, comment, tell me some ideas. Thanks for reading so much. :)

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