Setting the Pace

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Gwen had been with S.H.I.E.L.D. for a number of years, always the first to get the call for any mission. Most recently she had gotten a call about, what she thought, would just be a simple retrieval mission. They had found, frozen in ice, the one and only Steve Rogers. She was filled in on the details while she was in the air on her way to the site.  Basically they wanted her to be his right hand man, or what she thought of as being a babysitter. She wasn't too enthused, but carried on. She'd have to make sure he would be up to speed with S.H.I.E.L.D. protocol and also fill him in on the past 70 years. She thought this was a test. She'd never been asked to do something so futile before. She felt like this could be handled by someone less qualified, she could certainly be put to good use elsewhere.

When they landed she was immediately taken to Rogers. She was not a very tall woman, she was about 5'2, so walking down that hall with men who were over 6-feet was rough. Trying to keep up with them she quickened her pace. With their long strides her legs did double time and she was almost skipping down that hallway. She smiled though, knowing full well that even standing 5'2 she could still take them all out. She let out a small chuckle when they reached the door and one of the men looked at her and she cleared her throat, "Okay, game face." She told herself.

Steve Rogers was already told what year it was and what had happened to him, so the initial shock had passed by this point. Gwen was slightly pushed aside while the other men went in ahead of her. The door opened and about four or so other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were seated at a table with Steve. They all continued to talk among themselves until the agents she was with moved passed and then they saw her for the first time. She noticed she was the only woman in this group, as most of the time she is, unfortunately.  Steve's eyes locked with hers and he smiled and stood up. The others followed his gentlemanly gesture and stood up as well.  Gwen quickly turned a shade of pink and took a seat across from Steve.
"M'am." he said with a nod.
"Captain Rogers." Once she was seated they followed. Steve's eyes never leaving hers, he was the last to sit down. She looked away, feeling her cheeks starting to get hot.
One of the Agents she came in with held out his hand to Steve,
"Captain Rogers, I'm Agent Glen Barstow, this is Agent James Heath and Agent Gwendolyn Atwater. It's a pleasure." They all shook his hand, he reached for Gwen's last.
"Gwendolyn." he said, shaking her hand. She shook his back, making sure that it was a firm handshake. She always made sure others knew she was on the same level as the men in her group.
"Please, call me Gwen."
"Gwen." he repeated. They both smiled and let go of each others hands. She knew all of the others in the room so no introductions were needed. She simply nodded to each one and they did the same.

They talked for a good bit about what the next move was for S.H.I.E.L.D. Gwen couldn't help but feel like she was drawing the short stick here. Did they think that she wasn't up to the tasks at hand and that she'd be better off babysitting Captain Rogers? She told herself that she was more capable then most and that this was just something she had to overcome. This feeling of self-doubt and to not think of every man as sexist. She had been subjected to that, but that was years ago. She had since proven her worth and has become a respected Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Agent Atwater?" She didn't even realize that all eyes were on her as she was asked a direct question from Agent Barstow. Steve looked at her with a smirk, noticing that she was just caught daydreaming. She shot him a sharp glance and his smirk immediately faded and he cleared his throat.
"I'm so sorry." Gwen said. "Can you repeat the question?"


Steve made his way back down the dull hallway with Gwen at his side. She was to be with him for three months. Training for missions and also teaching him to be a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent, there was a lot more to it then just lifting weights.
Gwen noticed that the other Agents were a few steps ahead. She was having a hard time keeping up, but Steve was right next to her. He was by no means short, he should have been way ahead of her with those long legs. She looked at him through the sides of her eyes. He was keeping pace with her, not the other way around. She was a bit confused. "Why is he doing that?" she thought to herself. Then she slowed down just a bit and he slowed down with her. She stopped abruptly.
"Why are you doing that?" she asked, annoyed.
"Doing what?" He looked so confused.
"You're walking WITH me."
"Where should I be walking?" He said looking around. His lips forming into a side smirk. Gwen couldn't help but smile as he looked at her with his blue-green eyes.
"I just try so damn hard to keep up, being so short. It seems like you're letting me set the pace."
"Always let the lady lead." he said. Her heart sank. She had forgotten he was from a totally different time. That his mannerisms were so old-fashioned, he was a true gentleman.
"That will take some time to get used to, Captain."
"Well, all we have is time now right?" he smiled and she nodded. He put his hand out for her to lead the way. And she did.

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