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Countries of Flareia [Fluh-ray-uh]:

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Countries of Flareia [Fluh-ray-uh]:

- Avalona [av-uh-lon-a], an island nation to the north who have a partnership with the Water Dragon.

- Ignisia [Ig-niz-ie-uh], a nation founded at the base of an active volcano. Their partnership with the Fire Dragon prevents it from erupting and destroying their home.

- Venteer [Ven-teer], a nation high in the snowy mountains, which is navigated and reached through a series of wind tunnels created by the Dragon of Air.

- Gaiamere [Guy-uh-meer], the nation on the plains in which crops grow all year round. It is home to the Earth Dragon's legendary rock sculptures.

- Anemasi [An-eh-mas-i], a nation founded where the desert meets the sea. It is said that enemy soldiers are lured to their deaths by the sound of the Spirit Dragon's angelic singing.

- Umbrassé [Um-brass-ie], a nation in the middle of the desert. It is impossible to find or enter unless invited as the Shadow Dragon bends light around it, making it invisible.

The Dragons of Flareia:

- Lymphario [Lim-far-ri-oh], the Water Dragon who resides in Avalona

- Ignotus [Ig-not-uss], the Fire Dragon who resides in Ignisia

- Blissé [Bliss-eh], the Air Dragon who resides in Venteer

- Bacchi [Back-ie], the Earth Dragon who resides in Gaiamere

- Deus [Doos], the Spirit Dragon who resides in Anemasi

- Tenebrille [Ten-uh-brill], the Shadow Dragon who resides in Umbrassé

The Dragons' Familiars:

- Slovenna [Slo-ven-nuh], a seal from the Avalonian Ocean who is Lymphario's constant companion.

- Nolanth [Noll-anth], a salamandra from Mount Igno who spies for Ignotus.

- Zero [Zee-roh], a snowy owl who is blind, whose eyes appear to be filled with constellations. Zero can see glimpses into the future, and trades this information for intel on the foreign courts to assist Blissé.

- Tellus [Tell-uss], a squirrel who trades in secrets, and represents the trees alongside Bacchi in Gaian court.

- Castia [Cass-ti-uh], a pure white dove who retrieves wishes from the people of Anemasi, one of which Deus grants every new moon.

- Seraphi [Ser-ah-fie], a black cat with a scar down her right eye, who can bend space and move through shadows. It is rumoured she got her scar from angering Tenebrille long ago.

Other Notable Words/Phrases

- Cantier [Can-tee-air], the Spirit Dragon's personal sorceresses who can manipulate people with their singing alone.

- Olivier [O-liv-ee-ay], the eldest Avalonian Princess

- Tommél [Tuh-mell], the Crown Prince of Avalona

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