Credits & Sequel

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So, five months after starting this book for NaNoWriMo 2016, it's finally done!! While I did hit 50,000 words before the end of NaNoWriMo, it took me a little longer to write the remaining 34,890 (I'd blame it on work and uni but honestly NaNoWriMo burned me out for like a whole month afterwards). 

Anyway, I want to start by thanking my best friend Jono for helping me and for putting up with all the times I interrupted random conversations with random book ideas, and also for reading this even though he's not a reader at all. Secondly, I really want to thank areticentreader for being so great and supportive and lovely throughout this whole book. 

Finally, I wanna thank the beautiful support system I found at uni so, thanks (in advance) to Mary, Shané, Lily and Amelia for being more than willing to read this whole thing and help me do a huge substantive edit and for being so enthusiastic about it, you guys really warm my heart so I hope you didn't suffer too much reading this! 

Normally I include a dedication in my credits, but I've had so much support with this book that I honestly don't know who to choose, so in a way it's just dedicated to everyone - even the silent readers I don't necessarily know about. I hope you all enjoyed the first installation in The Dragons of Flareia series, but more importantly... I hope you're super pumped for book 2!! 

The Ocean's Heart (The Dragons of Flareia Book 2) 

Tentative release date: May 6 

The death of King Gregor in the Avalonian Coup and the assassination attempt on Varille of Sophos has left Northern Flareia in turmoil. In Ignisia, Flae now has more people to protect than she had ever imagined, an Avalonian invasion waiting only an ocean away, and the constant threat of the sentient shadows.

With Olivier and Kylan travelling to Anemasi and the Spirit Dragon, and the Venti and Gaian Dragonheirs nowhere to be found, can Flae's fire hold Ignisia together and hold back the shadows creeping over Flareia? 

So, to conclude, this has been one wild ride but I hope y'all are prepared for the next one! Thanks again for all your love and support

~ Sian x   

The Blood's Flame (The Dragons of Flareia Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now