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Richard's POV

After getting a call from Kimmy's dad, about what happened earlier that day, he left his executive manager in charge of the T-Mobile company.

"Where is she?" he asked rushing through the front door.

"Well, hello Richard." Katy replied calmly.

"Katy." he said now acknowledging her.

"She's okay. She's upstairs asleep, along with Kimmy but I suggest you let her rest. She needs it."

"Okay." he replied running his hand through his hair and sighing.

Omar came back downstairs after putting Kimar to sleep.

"He's asleep?" Katy asked once he took a seat.

"Finally, and speaking of that, we need to talk. Kimar said he saw what happened to Kimmy at school." Omar said.

"He saw her?" she asked in disbelief and Jace walked inside.

"Jace we'll be outside on the terrace if you need us."

"Could you be sure to give Val and Kimmy water when they get up if we're still outside?"

"Okay sure." he replied sitting on the couch and them they left.

Omar walked out first, followed by Katy then Richard. After they each took a seat around the table, Katy talked.

Jace's POV

He sat on the couch going through his FB page after his dad and Kimmy's parents left to go outside.

Getting bored, he was about to turn on the TV, but stopped once he heard Val's voice from upstairs.

Walking into the kitchen, he took two bottles of water out of the fridge and walked upstairs just in time to see Kimmy open the door.

"How long was I out?"

"Counting from school, I'd say five hours."

"Hey Jace."

"Val, Kim. You're mom said to give you two water once you got up and with my supernatural hearing, I knew you were up since two minutes ago." he said grinning triumphantly.

"So where are they?" Kimmy asked while they walked downstairs.

"They're outside talking, but Kimar's asleep. Wait- not anymore. You should go get him." he said hearing Kimar yawn and get off his bed and the voices of his dad and Kimmy's parents in the distance.

"Is dad here?" she asked bringing his attention back.

"Yeah. He is, and he's extremely worried about you. Like what am I, chopped liver?" he asked looking playfully hurt and Val laughed as they walked down the last few steps.

Kimmy came down a few minutes later, but he payed no mind because the discussion amongst the adults escalated.

His dad was now talking about a text that he had received a few days before Ishawn showed up.


"I was doing my fatherly duties, which is to go through your daughter's emails and messages while she's asleep." Richard said and Jace silently laughed along with Kimmy's parents.

"I was about to exit whatsapp, when a message came in from an unknown number."

"Ever wanted to know what really happened to your mother? Why you barely remember her? What your father and brother are hiding from you? What you really are?" Omar said reading out the message that Richard copied to his phone along with the picture attached to it, before he deleted it from Val's phone.

"This is a recent picture of her." Katy read the words in bold under the picture.

"But I thought she was-" Katy said gasping


"Jace, I know you can hear them so tell us what's going on." she said and he laughed.

"You're catching on fast."

"Don't try to change the subject. Tell us what they're saying."

"Its not manners to ease drop on people's conversations."

"But you did it to us."


"Jace....." she said and when he looked back at her, his breathing became uneven and his eyes widened in terror.

"Why do you look like you're ready to shit your pants?" she asked and he saw a smile forming on her face.

"Because that look scares me. Mom used to- never mind." he replied and silence fell amongst them because he remembered what went on outside.

His dad and Kimmy's parents walked back inside to meet everyone sitting in the den.

Jace locked eyes with his father and right away Richard knew he had a lot of explaining to do.

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