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The next day
Jace's POV

"Why are you back here?" he growled at the same demon from last night.

"You ruined my little meet and greet with your daughter last night, so I'm here again." he said grinning sinisterly while lounging on the chair.

All this Jace saw and heard from standing at the top of the stairs, which showed the part of the living room, they were situated in.

Walking down, the heads of the two men snapped in his direction and the other man's smile widened.

"Good to see you're up Jace. Is your sister still asleep?" the guy asked grinning more sinisterly to the point where his fangs showed.

He could sense the anger loathing off of his father and know he had to get this man out, before Valencia awoke and his father lost it.

"Ishawn, why are you here?" he asked trying his best to keep calm.

"I'm sure you already know, with your hearing being impeccable." Ishawn replied cockily and Jace was ready to lash out at him and tear him from limb to limb but composes himself once he heard Val's bedroom door open.

"She's up." Jace whispers to his father and Ishawn's eyes lit up with glee.

"You know what to do." Richard replied and Jace nodded his head in agreement.

He then created an illusion, so that Val wouldn't see the strange man in the house. Ishawn tried to make himself visible, but the illusion rendered him powerless.

Richard grabbed her bag and stuffed some money in it, just as she reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey dad, Hey Jace." Valencia said, once she descended the staircase, and her dad tossed her bag to her while Jace pretended to be reading a book.

After picking it up he ushered her out of the house, shut the door and Jace let the illusion falter.

"That was not nice of you. Its a shame she doesn't know what she really is..." he said before vanishing.

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