Decision Making

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Laura's POV

I was downstairs looking at the picture of the twins, I have been all night I have no idea what to do. I hear Ross running down the stairs.

Ross: Laura did you sleep at all?

I look away knowing that he will be upset.

Ross: Laura! I know you are worried about this but you need to stay healthy.

Laura: I know, but this is a huge decision we have to make!

Ross: I know, how about I make us a nice breakfast, we take a shower, and then we will talk about it okay.

Laura: Okay.

Ross made breakfast and we ate, after we cleaned the dishes we headed upstairs to take our shower. After I got dressed in my legging and sweatshirt I laid on the bed next to Ross who was wearing sweatpants.

Ross: So?

Laura: Well they share DNA with me and their just babies and they kind of look like us.

Ross: Huh?

I got up and grab the picture from the dresser and laid back down to show him.

Laura: See?

Ross: Ahh I know what you mean.

Laura: I know were not married and everything but I feel like we should take them.

Ross: Yeah lets take them in.

Laura: Really?

Ross: Plus they are the last blood related family you have.

Laura: Yeah.

Ross: Do you want to give Officer Meyer a call?

Laura: Sure.

(phone convo)

Officer Meyer: Hello?

Laura: Hi, this is Laura Marano.

Officer Meyer: Oh, hello Ms. Marano have you deiced?

Laura: Yes we have deiced to take them.

Officer Meyer: That's great, the hospital said that they have to watch them and get everything that they need and write up birth certificates, etc.

Laura: Okay so in a few days they will be ready to come here?

Officer Meyer: Yes.

Laura: Okay thank you!

Officer Meyer: No problem.

( end of phone convo )

Laura: In a few days we can get them. Do you want to get dressed and start designing their rooms?

Ross: Yeah where do you want them?

Laura: Well since ours is in the middle why don't we have the Boy on the right and the Girl on the left and when we have more kids the girls will be on the right and boys can be on the right. Like in the separate wings or should we have them next to each other in the left wing and make the right wing for guest?

Ross: I think the second one is good, that way all the toys are in one wing and everything.

Laura: Okay, lets go get dressed and get paint, clothes, toys and everything!

Ross: Okay.

We got up.


We were at home depot  looking at paint swatches for the twins, we picked out two colors and then while they were making it Ross was talking to the guy about paint and all that. When the paint was done we paid for it and then went to a baby store. I walked towards the crib isle and looked at the all of them.

Ross: You can pick any of them Laur.

Laura: Do you think we should get white for her and dark wood for the him?

Ross: That sounds prefect.

Ross grabs the boxes of the two cribs and puts them in the cart, we go into the next isle to see bibs, bottles and more, I got 10 bottles for both of them and 10 cute bibs that have little sayings like, " I'm a mommas boy" or " Mommy's little rock star", they were so cute! We went to the clothes isle, let's just say Ross was going to have a big bill! But I wasn't the only one who was picking out everything that was cute. Ross was in love with the idea of having a little girl, he picked out so many onesies that had saying about daddy's girl or something on the lines like that. Once we were done shopping we paid and then went home to start painting the rooms. When we finished painting the rooms we started working on the cribs.

At the end of the day we got everything done and we were ready the twins to come home.


Hey guys you liked the chapter! I know its exciting that they are keeping the twins! Please keep commenting I love it especially when it starts a conversation with you!

Anyways Love Ya Guys!<3<3<3


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