Part 10

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Really quick thank you for 100 reads!!! Enjoy.
Merlin's POV

I run after Arthur entering his chambers. I retrieve his sword and go about sharpening it before entering the stables to prepare the horses. I remember most things but not all I still have the odd thing that doesn't make sense. But I do remember my destiny and it's to protect the prat until the day I die. I prepare the horses and make my trek back to my chambers to pack a bag. When I walk in I am greeted by my Knights.

"Where's Olivia?" I ask I probably know the answer.

"Arthur is giving her a proper welcome". I nod my head in an 'I see' manner.

"Why are you acting weird?" They look at each other and smile like they are hiding a huge secret.

"Well, we have something for you sire" I glare at them but they only smile. Tyler reaches into his pocket pulling out a necklace. He hands it to me and I get a good look at it, it's my seal. The royal seal of the Ambrosius line I admired the dragon etched into the purple metal it circled an orb as if protecting it. A large smile appeared on my face.

"Thank you" I said quietly. Tyler returned my smile and walked forward to hug me, I returned the hug without hesitation. Moments later Arthur entered the room.

"Merlin we have to go and I need you to help me into my arm-" he paused, I hadn't noticed the tears that stained my cheeks until the look of concern spread across Arthur's face.

"Have I missed something?" He asked confused. I wipe my eyes quickly and reply.

"No, sorry I've just received some good news" he looked confused once again.

"Why would that make you cry?" He is truly oblivious isn't he.

"You wouldn't understand sire" I laugh. He laughs in return which is a surprise.

"Alright" he turns to walk out but stops. "I need you to help me into my armour" as the door closes we burst out in laughter.

"Did you see... the...the... Look on his f...face" I say between laughs. "He was so concerned" I finally calm down.

"Anyway I'll go help him get his armour on. Oh and thank you again" I walk out the door with a large lopsided grin on my face.

Arthur's POV

I leave Merlin's chambers with a smile on my face, I am glad that he is happy. I still don't understand why good news made him cry but I'll find that out another day. I am also very very happy to know that his memories have returned now I don't need to remind him about what his duties are. Although without his memories he seemed to do a much better job but he was quite boring.

"Arthur!" Merlin shouts trying to catch up but trips over his own feet. I laugh at how adorably clumsy he is.

"You truly are a clumsy oaf aren't you Merlin?" He looks up from his place on the ground and replies.

"Of course! It's more fun that way!" He jumps to his feet quite gracefully to my surprise. "Although it is very painful" his usual lopsided grin plastered on his face but, this one is larger more genuine one I have never seen the likes of. That news must have been great. I notice a string around his neck hidden under his neckerchief I take note to ask about it later. We make our way to my chambers and Merlin begins to help me into my armour. He is strapping my chest plate and I notice how close he is I look at his face and notice, quite to my surprise that his cheeks are flushed pink. At that my own blood rushes to my cheeks, he looks up and I immediately look away pretending to have noticed something interesting across the room.

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