Part 18

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I'm writing this one in 3rd person since it's the big battle, enjoy!
3rd person

The sound of metal on metal and spells being cast fills the ears of any passing traveller miles away. The smell of blood fills the battlefield as men fall from both sides of the fight. Merlin flies on Lynia's leathery back towards the citadel looking down seeing the battle before him; it reminds him of when he lost his kingdom, the same smell, the same sounds, everything is the same. The only difference being the odds, when Ithel was being taken they had no chance, this time the odds are in our favour. Lynia descends into the courtyard outside the citadel allowing Merlin to dismount.

"Thank you Lynia, do anything you can to help" the not so secret warlock says before turning to enter the citadel sword in hand. Lynia prepares to take off before she is interrupted by Merlin once more.

"Oh and Lynia" she look back at her best friend the boy that she had missed for so long and is greeted with a small smile. "Don't die" she nods her head in response. He's not satisfied "No, promise"

"I promise" with that she takes off to join the others in the battle for their kingdom. Merlin enters the citadel it being less guarded with most of Markus' men being on the battlefield. Making his way down the long winding corridors of his home he sees many things that spring the memories of his child hood to life, how he would hide behind the tapestries when playing hide and seek and when he and his friends would spar with wooden swords in the hallways. He shakes these memories from his mind having to focus on the task ahead. The army outside gets closer as he wonders through the halls Merlin unsure who is winning but has a pretty good idea. I need to get Arthur first he thought knowing he will need his help, that is if he is willing or even capable. The young warlock rounds a corner and is greeted by a servant rushing to the throne room with bandages. Merlin places his sword the the young mans neck and grabs ahold of his wrist causing him to drop the bandages.

"I will need your help" Merlin says calmly; too calmly. The servant nods their head vigorously swallowing the lump that formed in their throat. "Where is Markus keeping Arthur? He's may be stupid but he isn't stupid enough to keep him somewhere I would know" He demands in a calm voice full of authority. It seems the servant didn't notice who they were being held by until that moment.

"Sire!" He shouts happily Merlin then covers his mouth. "Quiet, Do you want Markus to know I'm here?!" the servant shakes his head; Merlin slowly withdraws his hand from the servants mouth.

"I apologize, my lord. I am just over joyed to see you" his expression falls "it has been hell here" Merlin lowers his eyes to the floor ashamed that he hasn't been able to help his people let alone remember them. "Can you show me where Arthur is being kept" the servant shakes his head.

"Please don't make me go down there" with that response Merlin knows immediately that Markus had gone through with his usual torture methods. "Where is he keeping him?" He asks. "I believe it is near the cells the opposite direction. Take the staircase and turn right rather than left he should be somewhere down there" the sounds outside grow nearer and footsteps are heard from behind Merlin. He swings himself against the wall releasing the servant gesturing for him to leave. He scurries away and Merlin holds his sword at the ready. Once the steps grow close enough he lunges from his place aiming for the mans neck. Luckily the attack was intervened and Merlin got a glimpse of the wielder.

"Don't hold back on my account" Elyan said.

"Gods Elyan I could have killed you! Where are the others?" Elyans face turns serious at the mention of his friends.

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