Butterfly Kisses x

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~~~Layla’s POV~~~

“Good morning class, my name is Mr Caled and I’m replacing Mrs Jones as she is on maternity leave. When I call your name raise your hand so I know who you are.” His voice was clipped, the class started whispering, “Silence!” He barked. We shut up quick. He started calling out names and noting where we sat.

“Nathan Rice?”

 Nathan raised his hand “Over here Sir!” Mr Caled raised his eyebrows but said nothing “Miss Sansom?” I raised my hand slowly, not fully extending my arm “Miss Sansom?” he repeated louder

“Here Sir.” My voice was quiet, but in the silence I felt like I was shouting. Mr Caled turned his head and looked at me for a moment then carried on with calling out the names.

            The rest of the lesson went smoothly, until the bell rang. “Miss Sansom, stay behind.” As my other class mates filed out they shot me glances. I looked down, hiding behind my long black hair. The door closed behind the last student. I looked up to see Mr Caled standing in front of me, smirking. I looked down, fiddling with my bag strap under the table. He growled. My eyes shot up and I pushed my chair back as far away from him as I could. He walked slowly around the desk, trapping me with the wall behind me and desks on either side. I got up and put the chair between us and pressed my back against the cold wall. He grasped the chair and rather forcefully placed it behind him stepping forward into my personal space. My brown eyes opened wide in fear as he raised his hand. The smirk was still on his lips as he lifted my hair from my neck and pulled at the collar of my school blouse. An evil smile was on his face as he said one word

“Mine!” His face was suddenly on my neck. My breath caught, I tried to push him away, but he growled and held my wrists above my head as he continued to rub his face on my neck. I whimpered when his teeth touched my shoulder where my scar was. Suddenly I remembered back to that night, that night.

I was playing out in the veg patch with the doll Mama had made me when I heard a growl and teeth gripped me by the shoulder causing me to scream out in pain. Daddy had come racing around the house with Barry, his best friend. They had launched themselves at the thing that had me in its teeth. It had dropped me and Mama had picked me up and hurried away, but the thing had managed to get free from Daddy and Barry and swiped it’s massive paw across Mamas back. She had fallen, her scream had merged with Daddy’s as the wolf tore at her flesh. Other wolves had come then and Barry had scooped me up, and Daddy tried to drag Mama’s body with us I lost sight of them as Barry went into our little house handed me to Grandma and ran back out.

A growl woke me from my memory. He’d now let go of my wrists and was holding me by my waist. I was suddenly aware of a rather hard something pressing into my thigh. I tried to break free from his hold, but that didn’t help my situation at all, if anything it made it worse. Teeth broke the skin on my shoulder and I cried out in pain. Blood trickled from the wound his tongue greedily licked it up. He moaned when the blood hit his tongue.

It suddenly occurred to me that, to wolves we were irresistible, and we were never to be near them, never mind alone with one that’s licking at your neck! I scolded myself, how could have been so stupid? God! Where’s your older brother when you need him? The only reason he was still at this school was to loot after me, honestly! I tried to slide my hand up my back to my shoulder blades where my wings will be, but Mr Caled realised what I was doing and yanked my arm back down. His lips moved from my neck and crushed his lips to mine, I tried to pull away, this wasn’t how it was supposed to be! You weren’t meant to kiss anyone like this, only after a male has chosen you may you have your first kiss, not like this! I didn’t want to be bound to this beast forever!

My shoulders started to ace, no! I couldn’t get my wings here, people would see me! I struggled against him, trying to distract him from my hand that was on my shoulder blade, finally! I felt around with my mind for Liam, where was he?

‘Right here sis.’ His voice was in my head I opened my mind for him, he took the invitation and I felt his presence in my body. His thought were all over the place trying to find out who the man was, where I was, why my shoulders were acing. I started becoming confused trying to follow all of the thoughts in my head.

‘Open your eyes, let me see where you are and who the b*stard is who thinks he can go around snogging girls faces off!’ I opened my eyes obligingly. Liam’s thoughts started going again, he had no trouble remembering who this Mr Caled was. Suddenly Liam was gone from my mind. My body slumped exhausted, but Mr Caled caught me.

“I know butterfly, I kiss good don’t I.” It wasn’t a question. My body stiffened when I realised what he’d called me, butterfly. “What’s the matter love? Don’t you like that name?” he chuckled nastily “What’s your name then fairy?” I mumbled under my breath like Liam had told me to if someone asked for my name. “Even with my hearing I couldn’t hear you, love. What’s your name? I won’t ask again.” He yanked my hair painfully. Liam chose that moment to storm into the room, he opened his mouth started shouting horrible things and launched himself at Mr Caled.


Hi guys!

so chapter one is up, please tell me what you think. Anything, good or bad. Oh, and if you see and spelling mistakes tell me and I'll correct it as I have'nt got an editor yet... remember to comment as I'm not uploading without 1, only one comment then I'll upload, even if you tell me to dich the story, it's still a comment!

Hope you enjoyed it :)

See yas



P.S. this is my first story on Wattpad, aaaaaah! really happy right now! :D

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